I said the creative juices were flowing eh?  lol... I was thrilled to bits to get 18 large cards done by last night!

ABOVE:  see?  18 done, just have to do the insides and put me 'moniker' on the back, add an envelope and they will be finished!  Yaaa.

ABOVE:  the rest waiting to be 'titivated'.... I so love doing that part!

Will be taking a break and going out to lunch at Sylvia Park today too.... hopefully will catch up with Lynda and maybe Beastie Girl?  Must text her and see....

Might just wait until she's likely to be outta bed though!  lol

BLONDIE:  nope, I don't use glitter.

I forgot to mention, me Mother and Ron (her partner) arrive tonight.  They are only staying one night as they have a wedding to attend on Friday down the line.... most likely see them again on their way back home.


Lunch with the girls was lovely!  I was going to have sushi, and even bought some... but then I saw Lynda was having Tai so I changed my mind and had that too... it was really nice too.  Steve and the kids can have the Sushi!  lol

Yikes!  Talking of food, I better not forget to put dinner in the oven before heading out the door to pick up the Mother and Ron.  I'm thinking they will be very tired and want and early night.   *smiles* at the thought.

Well, the olds are here.  We just had a lovely dinner of roast chicken and veges, and now I'm hiding in my walk-in-wardrobe doing me update!   Decided there was more room in here.... I feel so 'naughty'... lol! 

Better get back out there before they miss me!

End of Day:  a perfectly pleasant evening... showing the olds some photos of all the grandbabies/kids lately.   Watched a wee bit of tv then off to bed they went (9.30).... they were tired after travelling for hours.
nite nite.


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