Yesterday at the mall we walked past a display selling hair curlers... and we stopped so Brylee could get some curls put in her hair:

ABOVE:  Brylee getting curls.  She loved them.  I love them too....

ABOVE:  if the budget allows, I think Santa will be bringing ME and BRYLEE a Jose Eber curling Iron ....  we will just have to wait and see how the Elves are doing!

Oh another thing!  I have one wall in Steve's bedroom that needs either re-painting or wallpapering, so I went online to look at some wallpaper and came across this site:  http://www.cadlow.co.nz/   they sell wall murals.  Some are downright amazing:

ABOVE:  how amazing are they then?  I so want one... or two! 

TODAY: only ONE thing on my list:  Christmas Cards.   I hope to get heaps done today....

The creative juices are struggling today!  I have not done Christmas Cards before... and I am finding it difficult to get ideas for the 'titivating' part... taking a wee break for now as it's after 1pm and I've not eaten anything today.... feeling a bit 'ikkk'...

Still feeling really ikkk... I grabbed a peanut butter sandwich for lunch... it's been repeating on me all afternoon.  I just took a Losec to try and settle me tummy.  What with still having the cough/cold from hell and now an upset tum... I'm feeling quite miserable. 

I even had a 'nana nap' this afternoon.  It didn't help.

Just started preparing dinner... pasta and sausages.. something easy. 

END OF DAY: I get it now... I needed food! I am feeling a lot better after dinner.  Which was nice btw.  Relaxing in the lounge... not going to be up late tonight. 
nite nite.


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