SO..... no bugger better text me today!  Ya hear me ???

Comments are fine.  Lots of love over the cyber airwaves would be much appreciated. 

First up today, I'm going down to the Hospice shop to hopefully pick up some clothes racks.. they are being thrown out otherwise.

Then home to make up beds for visitors.
Clean bathrooms.
Prepare dinner (Beef stew in the crock pot)

bla bla bla.

If I get a chance I will work on the Christmas Cards too!

ABOVE:  see what Stew and I bought last night?  We started watching the first episode of Series One last night.

ABOVE:  Something tells me we will see The Big Bang Theory on our telly for weeks to come!  Yaaa.

Seriously feel ill today.  Tossed and turned again all night, and at one point I was hit with a massive "I need to vomit" urge.  OMG it was awful.... and it wasn't brought on by a coughing fit either. 
I am wondering if it's my body having withdrawal symptoms from not taking my 'hot flush' pills for three days now?  I take amitriptyline ... it's an antidepressant, but the side effect of them is I sleep at night.  So first thing this morning I am getting me 'script filled!


CAN I BLAME IT ON ????  BEING A BLONDE?   I just checked my calendar to see what time I have to be out at the airport to pick up my Mother... and.. ummm.. they are not arriving until next Wednesday!   OMG I'm a fool.  I've just stripped Steve's bed and made it up with fresh WARM linens for my Mother and she's not due here for another 5 nights!

Bloody hell I'm a twit.  This makes the weekend look a bit better if nothing else! 

ABOVE:  Our darling wee Granddaughter Sienna... apparently she likes her toes at the moment!    And would ya look at that... she has legs like her Grandma!  Only hers' are cute.

Kelly and Rena have arrived.... and have just left with the Dogs to pick up Brylee and Griffin from school.
Me?  I took two of my amitriptyline pills this morning to try and get back to 'normal'... and I feel like a zombie!
Best thing about today though... it's Friday... Tipple O'clock soon!  Yaaaa.

It's funny how I only have one or two drinks on a Friday night ... I could drink every night if I wished...but it's just not in me Psyche to want to drink much. 


End of Day:  full house.  One tipple... then just faded.  Looking forward to bed.
nite nite.


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