Can I take your Coffee Order?

Coffee shops are everywhere, but what do you ask for if you are trying to 'be healthy'? Black tea has zero calories and black fresh filter coffee only 4 calories.. but what about the more interesting drinks (the one we go to coffee shops to buy!).. here are my top tips for having a delicious (yet healthy) hot drink..

1) Skip the Cream - Cream is one of the most calorific foods around. Saying no to whipped cream can save you up to 100 calories and 10 grams of fat (the equivalent of a small chocolate bar).

2) Ask for it to be Skinny - Asking for skimmed milk can save around 150 calories and 15 grams of fat. Some coffee shops automatically use full-fat milk so don't be afraid to ask about a lighter option.

3) Ask for Sugar-Free Syrups - These do exist.. Not it all coffee shops but in the main high-street ones they do. Each pump of syrup adds 20 calories and 5 grams of sugar (if they don't have the sugar-free ones then ask for just one pump).

4) Sweeten the Calorie-Free way - If you prefer your drink sweeter then instead of adding sugar add sweeteners. This will save not only calories but also reduce the risks of dental caries.

5) Share a cake - If you can't resist the temptation of treats on offer then why not share one? Sharing means you'll only consume 1/2 the calories but won't be missing out on taste & experience. So you can have your cake and eat it.. if you do however prefer to have a cake to yourself, read my 80:20 rule blog for damage limitation..!

So there you have it.. just follow these simple tips and you'll be sipping your coffee safe in the knowledge that it contains no more calories than it needs to. Happy Friday!

Nichola x


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