Well... it's going to be a very long day on the road today.
It may only be about 6 and a half hours drive time.... but we are going to stretch it out a bit by doing some stops along the way.

First stop will be in Hamilton, where we will visit Amanda to drop off a couple of things.... then...

ABOVE: Tokoroa, my town of birth. My father worked as an independant logging contractor, supplying logs to the Paper Mill, seen in the background in this picture.
Our next stop will be at the cemetery to visit my two brothers and Dad in Tokoroa.  Probably need to tidy their graves while we are there.  Not many family left who do visit there.  Just me really.  My Mum and sister are both in Australia.

ABOVE:  Huka Falls.
After that, we will stop at the Huka Falls, between Wairakei and Taupo... then maybe see Blondie (Sharon, another blogger) in Taupo itself.
We are planning on having a picnic along the lake front somewhere after that.

ABOVE:  Lake Taupo.  The biggest lake in New Zealand.  It's usually freezing, but still a gorgeous lake.

Then it will be on around the lake and through the Desert Road... pass the mountains and maybe a stop at Taihape.
There's a really LOVELY gift shop there!

Dinner:  should be at Bulls.  Kebab time!  OOO my mouth is watering thinking about that!  lol

So... the next time you hear from me, we should be in Palmerston North!  

End of Day:..... wait for it....  WE GOT HERE!  Our trip down was lovely, with a super lovely surprise in Taupo!  More about that tomorrow when I get a chance to upload some photos!
We had our Kebabs in Bulls.... and they were worth waiting for.  And the lovely kebab owners let Brylee and Griffin eat McDonalds in their shop while Stew and I had our kebabs!  How nice was that!
ON TRACK:  EVEN with the 20 point (!) kebab!  Very proud of myself... and Stew... who reminded me that NO, I did not need carrot cake after the kebab.  Nice man.  Once we had left Bulls, I was so glad I didn't succumb to the MOMENTARY desire to eat cake!  lol
nite nite.

edit: Tanya in the USA:  I have clearly had MORE than my fair share of cake already.  If I want to enjoy the rest of my life, I need to miss out on cake, or I am going to drop dead from a heart attack!


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