I am just going to put this out there.
NO matter what you are doing in order to lose weight... 

- if it works for you
- if it is sustainable
- if it doesn't do your head in
- if it's HEALTHY and BALANCED
- if you are happy doing it
- if it's not a fad, or unhealthy
... then it's right for YOU

JUST DON'T KNOCK anyone else's way of doing it.

NO WAY is the RIGHT WAY.  No way is the PERFECT way.  No 'certain way' is going to work for everyone.
What works for you, might not work for the next person.

So don't go around advocating YOUR WAY for everyone as if it's the 'be all and end all'.
Just because it works for you, does not mean it will work for me, or anyone else for that matter.

I know I have been to Weight Watchers before... and it worked.  But I gained most of the weight back.
That does not mean the WEIGHT WATCHERS programme DID NOT WORK.
It means I slipped up.
I did it wrong... again.
I did not learn the right lessons for me to keep it off.

It was not the WEIGHT WATCHERS programme that was at fault.  
I was.

I will not advocate Weight Watchers to anyone, but I will say how I feel about it for myself
What you choose to do it your own business.

But I will say this.
Weight Watchers is RIGHT for me.

and it was not aimed at anyone who is a regular reader or was aimed at some particularly 'interesting' ANONYMOUS persons who have emailed me lately with their ADVICE.

I am FAR too nice to tell them where they can put there 'advice'.... OF COURSE.   lol

TODAY:  well we are going down to the kid's school to see what classes they will be in this year, and buying Brylee's new uniform.  She is in Year 7 this year, getting to be a big girl!

After that, not too sure... but we will no doubt try and get out somewhere!  Joshua is only here for 4 days, so we will try and take him to a few different places he's not been to before.


As I have already said, this is not directed at any of my readers/commentors... but if it makes you second guess what you are doing in any way... then is that a bad thing? 

QUESTION:  can I use this sort of jar/lid for jam?  It's a twist type lid, not a screw on.  I want to make plum jam TODAY.... so HELP???  Can I use them?

We went out and bought some seals for the Agee jars that I have, and some cellophane thingees with rubber bands for the other jars. 

We also picked up some driftwood for the terrerium, and it's now soaking in a bucket of water for a few days to allow the colour to leech out, before putting it into the terrerium.

 ABOVE:  I have turned the spa pool down to 26 degrees, and it's perfect for us to cool off in.
OK, it may not be a fantastic big pool for swimming in, but it's better than the friggin kids paddle pool!  lol

ABOVE:  Joshua is certainly enjoying it!  B & G are too of course.  *smiles*

ABOVE: it's so nice to finally have some really good weather.  Apparently it's not going to last, we are in for rain again soon.

I made jam!  Plum jam.  And it took ages longer than I expected.  But, I got 5 and a half good size jars made today, and I am going to make more tomorrow.
I used Agee jars and 'proper' seals.  Tomorrow I am going to use some of the other jars, and use the cellophane things with rubber bands, and not use the already used lids from the jars.

End of Day: it's been a really, really hot day... probably not the best sort of weather to be making jam... but the plums are ready now, so now is the time to do it.
ON TRACK:  this diet sure has kicked in, motivation is high and I can already feel the difference losing even 5 kgs has made to me.
nite nite.


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