Today our grandson Joshua arrives to visit for a few days.... we haven't seen him for a few months so we are looking forward to his visit.

As Stew is still on holiday he can spend time with him too.  

So, today will be about waiting for Josh to arrive, then we are going out to get a few things.

Here's some photos from yesterday:

 ABOVE:  gorgeous Mt Ruapehu, with a light dusting of fresh snow that fell two nights ago.

ABOVE:  Mt Ngarahoe, almost totally devoid of snow.  It is still a pretty mountain.

ABOVE:  I have a thing for mountain streams... I love them so much.  They are always crystal clear and so pretty.

ABOVE:  at a river walk near Turangi... a swing bridge.  It was very un-nerving to walk across... but the view was worth it:

ABOVE: perfect clear, beautiful water.  I so wanted to go swimming, but it was not possible yesterday.  We were working on a deadline, we wanted to get home in time to go to Weight Watchers, and we did.

And we both lost weight.  Stew lost 1.2 kilos, and I lost 1.5 kilos.   Very happy with those results.  


DEBBIE:  there are actually three mountains in a row, I have only shown two as the third one is insignificant to look at.  YES, they are volcanoes.   Ruapehu erupted about 15 years ago, and I was 'lucky' enough to be actually PASSING the mountain when it erupted.... it was only a small eruption that made the crater lake spill down the side of the mountain... but it did send a HUGE plume of dust/ash into the air.  It looked just like an atomic bomb!  Huge mushroom type cloud.  It was awesome.  Luckily no one died either.

Have I mentioned lately that I'm going insane with my sunburn itching?  Well I am.  I am going to peel all over my back, arms and chest... FOR SURE.  I can't sleep I'm that itchy.  And I'm just a little BIT crabby!  lol

Josh wasn't due till this afternoon, so we popped out and picked up a few things so we could make a start on setting up the terrerium in readiness for gettting frogs/tadpoles...

ABOVE:  now we have the gravel, rocks and the water conditioner sorted.  We also used an old water fountain we already had.... so now all we need is a piece of driftwood and a few plants.  
Once all that is done we can get the critters.

End of Day: whoops!  forgot to update.
Joshua arrived safe and sound... and very happy to be here.  The kids have been playing all afternoon/evening.  I've been doing bugger all!  Tired.  Ready to go to bed.
ON TRACK:  can't say we have been excellent today.  But we had a really lovely dinner of macaroni cheese with added bacon/onion and mushrooms.  Was yum!
nite nite.


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