Because I know it is upseting you Jackie, I will say this:

- Our two frogs (so far) are teeny, tiny little things.
- Our tank is set up PROPERLY for frogs and tadpoles
- Once our frogs get bigger we have every intention of transferring them to the ponds at the Botanic Gardens and we will get some more teeny tiny frogs again.
- If we feel there are too many frogs in our terrarium we will release some.
- Yes, we know all about flyspray being deadly to frogs.
- We think keeping frogs is fine, as we know they will be safe and well fed in our terrarium and not likely to be eaten by anything bigger than them.

We are all welcome to our own opinions.
And that is all I will say about that.  *smiles*

ABOVE:  it is NOT easy to photograph frogs... they are very mobile! 

DEBBIE:  Stew and I have been together 27 years and married 25 years this coming June.  Stew met me when I was on my own with 4 small children...(having left my first husband 7  months prior to meeting him). 

Today: last day before kids go back to school.  I need to make sure their uniforms are ready, bags, hats, PE gear... bla bla bla.  


***SQUEALS***... Meet Number 9 ! :

ABOVE:  totally crap photo, I know!  But there he/she is... our 9th Grandbaby, due in early July!
That means we will have TWO new grandbabies this year.  Lacy is due in June and Tess (Russell's partner) is due in July.   I always knew I'd have lots of grandbabies.  *smiles*

I bought a bit more fruit yesterday to make more jam.  This time we planned on making Rhubarb and Passionfruit jam... but instead I made my own CONCOCTION:  Rhubarb/Apple/Pineapple and Passionfruit... let's call it RAPP Jam!   I just did weight for weight, fruit to sugar.  And it worked!  And it's OMG the most delicious jam!  Drool worthy I tell ya... *smiles*

I won't bore you with a photo... jam kinda looks all the same  after a while!  lol

I bought something today... well I put it on Layby... picking it up in about 4 months.  Shall tell you WHAT it is tomorrow.

End of Day:  have quite a nasty little headache going on right now.  Been a hot afternoon... standing over a hot stove an' all!  Barefoot in the kitchen... *sigh*.  lol
ON TRACK:  and loving it.  So happy I'm doing good today.  
nite nite.


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