It will be our 25th Wedding Anniversary in June.... and I have been looking for a ring to 'commemorate' the milestone for a while now.

So, while we were out shopping yesterday, Bex and I were stopping at jewellery shops (JUST LOOKING)... and I saw THE ring!!!

OMG... it just was THE ONE.  And it was on SALE... sheesh I'm good at finding a bargin I tell ya.

So... I put it on Layby!   Stew has 4 months to help pay for it ... lol.  

ABOVE:  another crap photo... my phone has a right shit camera.  But you get the drift?  It's Ceylonese Sapphires and diamonds,  pave' set in a wide 18 carat gold band.  It looks PERFECT beside my other sapphire and diamond ring.  I will go back tonight and get a better photo using my good camera.

TODAY:  the kids go back to school!  I am going to LOVE today.
I do love my kids... but 7 weeks holiday is SO LONG!  
And they were getting restless too... clearly ready to hit the school room again.

 How cute are our frogs?  ...

I couldn't help but show you both of them together... even though one is trying to hide.  AND NO, I am not going to name them!  

ONWARD... time to get these kids ready for school! ...

DROP OFF DONE.  They are at school... and it is SO quiet at home!  The 'men' are at work, and Bex is sleeping in... so it's just me and the dogs/frogs/tadpoles and flies.  Pesky little flies. That I am trying to catch to feed to me frogs.  Not having much luck this morning.  They are wising up to the net!

Might just go buy some flies.  Never thought I would be saying THAT!  lol
I hate flies.  They drive me nuts.
Also doing the grocery shopping today... just as soon as Bex arises... she can help... yaaaa.

DEBBIE: time will tell what Brylee and Griffin think of their new classes.  Griffin has the same teacher, same classroom, just a new level. He is in Year 6.  Brylee has gone up to the 'Intermediate' level, so she has a new teacher and classroom.  She is in Year 7.

YOU ARE ALL RIGHT PAINS IN THE BUTT!  If I name the frogs, how will I tell who is who????
But, as so many seem to think I should name them... I WILL.
Bamm Bamm
and..... Dino.

There ya go.  

Bex and I went grocery shopping... only we had lunch first.... we both had butter chicken, but could not eat it all.  This is good.
Then we did some shopping.  Bex found a black shoulder bag to use now and at the wedding... so she's happy.
I got a few things too:

ABOVE:  Stew bought me the smaller wooden spoon the other day for jam making... but it is just a bit small... I kept getting burnt from the jam spitting up... so I found the bigger one today.  And some cooling racks (don't have any) and two really cute jam jars.  I might just have to get a few more of them at some point.

Groceries ...  well... we kinda didn't do that afterall!   I couldn't be bothered ... it was so hot and muggy we decided to come home and do the  groceries in the evening instead.  Stew can help me.  
OH... and I need to show him THE RING tonight too!

WOMBAT:  Kermit?  Too twee.  And Stew surprise me?  YEAH RIGHT.  And he knows he would choose the wrong one too.  So I choose.  It's safter that way.  lol

ABOVE:  the way better photo of the ring!
Stew has now seen it... and thinks it's lovely.

End of Day: it's been a nice day... looking forward to an early bedtime... not been sleeping well lately.  Too hot and humid.
ON TRACK: too right!
nite nite.


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