NOPE.... it is not a tattoo.   I am still waiting to get that...

So.... what was it?

Well.... a few days ago FROGGY suggested I do something with my hair.   AND funnily enough, I had been thinking of doing it for a few months myself.
So, while at the Plaza with my girlfriends yesterday, they suggested I go into Rodney Wayne's and see if they thought I would suit it.  They said I should just DO IT.

So I did.

This is what I got done:

ABOVE:  I got a fringe!  (bangs to some of you).... well???  What do ya think???

I last had a fringe about 13 years ago... but grew it out real fast.    Before that, I was about 15!   Sheesh... a lot of water under the bridge since then.  

Today, we go home.
Once again we will make a day trip of it.... stopping at various places along the way. 

A few more photos from yesterday:

 ABOVE:  Mike and Joyce in the park...

ABOVE: Mike listening to Griffin through the whisper post at the park. 

ABOVE:  Anne, Chris D and me yesterday.  


We are safely home.  Busy unpacking, and getting ready to weigh in at Weight Watchers.  We were good!  Seriously, only one 'evil' meal, and even then I did NOT go over my daily points allocation.  So, fingers crossed.  Will come back later and report in.

THE HAIR:  thanks to everyone who likes it, or is nice enough to lie!   lol
I am a little worried I look like mutton dressed as lamb (thank you Maria).... but I LOVE my long hair, it is not a problem to me keeping it this length.  And if anyone does think I am mutton dressed as lamb, that is THEIR problem... not mine.  I am going to have long hair till the day I die... and by the time I'm 80 it might even have BLUE steaks in it too.  ha ha ha.

ONWARD... gotta face dem scales!

End of Day:  well the scales were kind.  Stew lost 1.2 kilos and I lost 1.5 kilos... so we are both very happy with out efforts, even while on holiday.
After WW we bought some groceries and came home.  Going to chill out now, we are exhausted from all the travelling.
Photos tomorrow of today's trip.
ON TRACK:  you betcha!
nite nite.


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