Right now you would not believe it was summer here in New Zealand!
Yesterday a cold front came up from the south and hit the country.  There was snow falling in the South Island, and we sure felt the chill factor in Wellington yesterday, and Palmerston North too.

Brrrrrr.... I am cold!  Totally did not expect to be cold in the middle of summer.

*sigh*... anyway, heres a few photos from our trip to Wellington yesterday:

ABOVE:  view heading into Wellington city... not as pretty as our Auckland... but still OK.

ABOVE: the stadium in downtown Wellington.  It's 'real' name is the Westpac Stadium, but EVERYONE calls it 'The Cake Tin'... for obvious reasons.  lol

ABOVE:  two Lifeguards on duty down at the waterfront.... but there was NOT A SOUL on the beach swimming!  It was freezing.  I felt really sorry for the two lifeguards, having to sit there all day in the freezing wind and rain!  Maybe they got to go home when it totally pissed down?

ABOVE:  the only 'excitement' of the day!  A fire truck racing by while we sat and waited for Stew to get the kids some food.

ABOVE:  'Picnic' in the car.  Mike being a doofus with his salad.  lol

ABOVE:  the wild and rugged Wellington coastline.  It was even more turbulent a few hours earlier.

TODAY:  probably go into town, check out some more shops (yaaaa) and have lunch with Mike and Joyce again.  Try to spend as much time with Mike as we can because we head home tomorrow.


Sandra C and her hubby went to a car show in Wanganui yesterday... it was an overcast day, with scattered showers.....

ABOVE:  AND... she got horribly sunburnt!  Our sun here is so potent!  She is in pain!

Well, what  a differnet day we are having today!  Glorious sunshine... and not a lot of wind.
We have been out and about quite a bit, had lunch in town with the girlfriends, Mike and Joyce.

AND... I did something today that I have been thinking of doing for a while now, I just needed the prompt... and I got that the other day.
So, this afternoon I did something I hadn't done in about 10 years.... MORE on that tomorrow.

One of our other girlfriends, Anne, popped in to visit us this afternoon too, which was lovely.
I took a couple of photos of us, will post them tomorrow too.

End of Day: a really lovely day, scary in parts!
ON TRACK:  amazing eh?  lol
nite nite.


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