PINKY ... who I am going to refer to as Lisa from now on... well Lisa and her family have frogs.  And tadpoles.  In tanks.  And her hubby feeds them flies he catches in his bare hands! 

Well anyway... now I want frogs.  Remember we had a little frog for a wee while, but I got 'guilted' into releasing it?  Well... now I wish I hadn't.  Cos there is nothing wrong with having frogs.   Common, everyday frogs, not endangered ones!   Edit:  the Green Frog (above) is an introduced frog to New Zealand, and while it is classed as 'endangered', it is the most populous frog in New Zealand, and it is not against the law to keep them as pets.  If that was so, you would not be able to buy them at a pet shop.

So... once we get home from our little holiday (we are going away at end of the week for a few days), I am going to get a tank and then a couple of tadpoles and frogs.

WELL..... I have to convince Stew first.  He said everything we get that is in a 'fish tank' dies.    So... maybe we will, and maybe we won't.  I hope we do though, cos frogs are cool.  And cute.
And not really slimy.  Not at all.

TODAY: seriously.  We have to get out and about.  I'm going stir crazy.  And I really, really want to do some shopping!  lol

I saw some lovely smoked fish down at the fresh fish shop in Westfield Mall, Manukau yesterday.  So I certainly want to go there.... and get some smoked salmon.  My mouth is watering just thinking about it....  


It didn't take much to convince Stew about frogs.
We visited two pet stores today, and looked at the tadpoles (99 cents each), and tiny little baby frogs, and tanks specifically for frogs/reptiles... and decided we would go ahead with my 'want'.

The second pet shop we visited had the perfect size tank ... and it was $239.  So I said "Let's get it"... so took it up to the counter and to our delight, it was a full $60 off!  SCORE!  I sure know how to find them .... without even knowing.  lol

ABOVE:  the terrarium we bought. We are not getting the tadpoles or frog until next week when we get home from Palmerston North.

Just going to have smoked salmon and coleslaw for lunch now...

Smoked salmon is quite oily!  Never knew that.  But, on a whole it was OK.  Might get non smoked next time ... hope it isn't oily?

I was hit with the 'can't keep me eyes open' bug after lunch, so I had a little nap for an hour.  While it was nice, I'm now feeling a bit blah.

End of Day:  dinner tonight was Tegel Chicken Sausages (4 PPoints each), mushrooms (0), Feta Cheese (3) and Basil pesto (2).  Well, that's what I HAD.  The rest of the family had the above plus potato wedges and coleslaw as well.
ON TRACK: but crabby.  
I will elaborate on the crabby-ness tomorrow.
nite nite


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