I stood on the scales yesterday morning.
They showed a big fat 0 loss so far this week.

0,  a BIG FAT, goddam,  friggin 0. WTF?

Yet... I have been 100% GOOD all week.  No slip ups ... even with the fish and chips dinner I was under points for the week.
Today:  I'm too scared to even step on the bloody scales.  I swear, if they show a 0 loss again I will slit my own throat.

I am INCREDIBLY CRABBY.  I don't even like MYSELF right now.
So can you IMAGINE how I am feeling towards everyone else in this house?

Now, I don't know if this terrible mood is due to the 0 loss or because I stopped taking the Anti Depressants about 2 weeks ago?
I was on the pills to help with the hot flushes, but as they seem to have all but stopped (the hot flushes)... I just didn't repeat my prescription when I ran out.

Maybe it's a massive, ongoing mood swing due to withdrawal?

All I know is... everyone is TOTALLY getting up my nose.  I really, really want to scream at them the second they open their mouths.

I do hope I snap out of it before I get to Palmerston North!   My girlfriends won't like me like this.  FOR SURE.

It's weigh in at Weight Watchers tonight.  Somehow I think Stew is going to blitz it with a HUGE loss, and I am going to kill him ON THE SPOT.  

ONWARD... the day can not get any worse... right?


I just spent half an hour weighing clothes.  Cos I just KNOW I will not be allowed to weigh in NAKED.  Pffffft.   
I am still too scared to stand on my scales, after yesterday I think they would be in mortal danger if they still showed a 0 loss.

I am going to do exactly what I have been doing, cos I just know there will be a loss at Weight Watchers tonight, there MUST be!
I can't be this friggin good and not lose SOMETHING.

And yes, I know it's JUST a number... but still.  When you have been a 'dieter' for over 30 years it is hard to break habits of a lifetime.
But ONE habit I am breaking.

EMOTIONAL EATING.  I have NOT headed straight for the pantry after yesterday.  I am not doing that to myself.  I am worth it to keep up the good work.  It will come off... I know it will.

I am making that Basil Hummus today too.  The Chickpeas are cooking as we speak....exciting!

ABOVE:  well, I've been productive this morning if nothing else.  I made 5 pots of Basil Hummus, and as I'd cooked more Chickpeas than necessary, I had enough to make 6 pots of 'normal' Hummus as well.  
Some of those pots will go in the freezer to be brought out as wanted. 
The Basil Hummus has come out DEVINE!

Now, making it myself was probably no cheaper than buying it.... but this way I get the satisfaction of doing it myself, and I know it's fresh.
We bought two basil plants so I don't have to always buy it... shit it's expensive to buy!
I want to find a recipe for Basil Pesto now.... yummy!

KAREN: That's why I was weighing my clothes... to see what was best to weigh in.  Once I have settled on one outfit, I will stick to it.

MARGARET AND EVERYONE ELSE: bit late to 'wean' myself off them!  I've not had any for almost 3 weeks.  So I think I am over them.

MARY H: Every had hummus?  Chickpea spead/dip... so basil hummus is just hummus with Basil added.  Try it, you might love it like we do.

Almost 2pm.... so just over 5 hours until weigh in....

LISA:   Basil Hummus &  Regular Hummus.  Just click on the name and it will take you to the recipe.

LYNDA:  we will be having the hummus with our salad instead of mayonnaise.  Hummus is 1 Pro Point per Tablespoon, mayonnaise is 5 Pro Points per Tablespoon... so as we LOVE hummus, we shall have it instead of mayo.
And as a dip with carrot/celery sticks and the like.  NOT on bread/crackers/chips.

End of Day:  well... amazingly... I lost!
Stew: 2.6 kilos lost
Chris: 3.2 kilos lost
DON'T ASK ME HOW THAT HAPPENED, cos I have no idea.
Must have caught up with me... all my efforts were worth it.
nite nite


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