I took a new photo of me mug for Facebook and my blog yesterday.
And now I am even more motivated to lose the weight.

Cos I want to like MORE OF ME than just my eyes!
ABOVE: me, in all me glory.   Well, me face anyway.  You don't really want to see the body! *smiles*
I can't wait to be comfortable enough to post a photo of ALL OF ME again.  

Today:  it's BLACK FRIDAY!  But, I'm not superstitious at all.  So the kids and I will go out to the mall... I think they deserve a treat.  Maybe a movie?  
We will see.

The guys finally got around to pruning one of our palms last night... it was becoming a right pain in the butt, with fronds hitting you when you got out of the car.  So, they did a really good job:

ABOVE: how cool is that?  It's like a totally different plant now, and I had totally forgotten those other two palms were there!  I love it, shame the neighbour doesn't.  They are worried it's root system will crack their concrete, so I'm going to a Garden Centre today to find out just what sort of root system it has and if it's a threat to the concrete.  I hope not, as it's not only a lovely plant, but it's worth a fair few bob at that size...  (about $1,000).


So I've talked to Kings Garden Centre about the palm. Contrary to popular belief, if WILL damage the concrete (both ours and theirs) in about another 6 years.  While it does have a tap root, which goes straight down, it's spreaders can and will crack the concrete once they get big enough.  DAMN.
Now the decision is:  kill it... or move it.
I know what Stew's decision will be.
And it does not involve digging a HUGE HOLE to get it out.

ABOVE:  the kids and I are off to see this movie this afternoon.  I better take a hanky... to catch the drool!  I think Robert Downey is gorgeous.   Jude Law... not so much.

The movie was GREAT!  I doubt the kids could follow the whole storyline, but Griffin loved the action!  Brylee had to visit the bathroom right before the ending so missed the conclusion. When we left she was still in the bathroom with a sick tummy... so now home and keeping an eye on her.  
Hope she isn't coming down with something.  

Off now to put me feet up for a wee while before getting dinner sorted.

End of Day: we had our 'naughty' dinner tonight.  Fish and chips.  It was nice.... but feeling ikk now.   Funny how what used to be LOVELY is no more.
ON TRACK:  even though we had fish and chips! I have factored it in to our week, so am happy.
nite nite


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