The 80:20 Rule.

The 80:20 rule. Some of you may have heard of it, some not.. it's a rule that can be applied to lots of different things but I like to apply it to dietary intake:

'If you eat healthily 80% of the time then you
can afford to eat less than healthy 20% of the time'

I particularly like this 'rule' as it allows for flexibility in your dietary intake. We are all human and all experience cravings or visit social events where high calorie foods are on offer etc. which means that eating healthy 100% of the time can be difficult.

It's all about the 'balance'. You may wish to write a healthy meal plan for the week, to buy in healthy foods and to aim to have 3 healthy meals a day (with 2-3 healthy snacks if needed).. then if a cravings hits and you really fancy say a biscuit then have one! Just make sure that this is not every day (or the rule will end up being 70:30 etc... ).

Good luck in your healthy eating pursuits and remember.. if you have a 'treat' savour it, enjoy it and don't regret it.. treats can feature in a healthy balanced diet but the key is in moderation.

Nichola x


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