I saved photos from yesterday for today... as clearly there were enough on yesterday's post already.

So... here's a few:

After having lunch with Kelly and Rena, we all went around to Amanda's.   Kelly was holding Emily when we arrived... but as soon as Emily saw Stew she put her arms out to him!  So he got to cuddle with her...

ABOVE:  clearly she loves her Granddad!

ABOVE:  kisses for Granddad even!  Meanwhile I got kinda ignored!  *sniff*

ABOVE:  a really nice photo of Kelly and Rena... Obviously they both got my eyes!

ABOVE: this look was reserved for Russell.... a friend of Amanda and Andrew's.  She didn't want anything to do with him.... so funny.

ABOVE:  very proud of herself!  She can walk as of Friday!

ABOVE:  walking to Griffin.
As she was ignoring me I decided to sit on the floor.... and I had my bottle of diet coke with me.... WELL !!!  That was it.  She saw me bottle and suddenly was my best friend!  She loves sipping my bottle of diet coke.  (she only ever gets a tiny bit... I am aware it's not good for babies, OK!)

 ABOVE:  CLEARLY she does not need to practise her sculling skills, she has it down pat!

 ABOVE:  And doesn't she know it!  Cheeky little imp.

ABOVE: this gorgeous wee granddaughter is ONE YEAR OLD tomorrow!  I can't imagine our lives without her, she is just adorable.

NOW, today:  the usual!  Housework.  Might even get time to catch up on some taped tv programmes!  Stew and Steve watched freaking cricket last night... it was torturous.  I just don't get why anyone would want to watch it.  It's bloody boring as *&$#.


Rotting fish guts in the rubbish bin makes for lots of....FLIES!  It's smelly... but good news for the frogs!  I feel bad for the neighbours.... I hope they can't smell that too much!

It's been an incredibly quiet day... I even had a nana nap this afternoon!  Feeling kinda bored, I should go and do some sewing, but I'm just not in the mood.
Almost time to get dinner sorted...Chicken and something tonight!

DEBBIE:  Unfortunately Rena is not that keen on either Stew or me.  Kelly.... sorry that upset you, but it's the truth and you know it.  

END OF DAY:  well it's been a fairly lazy day around here I must admit.  
ON TRACK:  WHY YES!  *smiles*
nite nite.


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