Oat & Blueberry Pancakes

As I've said before, I love browsing the Internet for 'nutrition & cooking inspiration'. The other week I discovered the lovely Shauna's website [Click here], and a delicious (yet healthy) sounding pancake recipe that she had read in Red magazine (courtesy of James Duigan's Clean & Lean Diet Cookbook) for 'Oat & Blueberry Pancakes'.
I was eager to try these super healthy pancakes and whizzed up a batch the following morning.. they didn't go to plan the first time so I tried again the following weekend and have shown below a step-by-step guide of how to create these delicious pancakes 'perfectly'.

The batch below makes 4 small pancakes.. I had 2 for breakfast served with yoghurt and banana. The batter keeps in the fridge over-night (covered). I found these pancakes SUPER filling (more so than a bowl of porridge which is my usual standard breakfast) and SO delicious.. great for a busy morning! For nutrition stats scroll to the bottom :)

So here's what you'll need:

50g Oats, 100g Low Fat Cottage Cheese,
2 Eggs, 1/2 Teaspoon Cinnamon & 50g Blueberries

And here's what to do:

1. Place all the ingredients in a bowl (except the blueberries) and blend until smooth (a food processor or a hand blender works!)

2. Pour a quarter of the mixture into a heated non-stick frying pan (I used a normal pan and sprayed it with a '1 calorie spray oil' instead), and cook for 2 minutes (placing on the blueberries after a few seconds).. then flip the pancake over (I used a wooden spatula for this) and cook on the other side for 2 minutes.

Et Voila! Perfect, tasty, healthy pancakes!!


Nutrition Per Pancake: 105 kcal, 8g Protein, 10g Carbs, 4g Fat*
Nutritional Benefits: High in soluble fibre, protein & antioxidants

For for more delicious and healthy recipes don't forget to check-out my 'recipes page' [click here].

Nichola x

P.s Little 'blooper' from last weekend.. I didn't use my 1 calorie spray oil (my pan is clearly not non-stick).. Still tasted great though!! Oops.

*Nutritional information provided by Firecracker


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