The sun that is.
Cos if it's a nice day we want to go to the beach.. all of us.
Bex isn't a beach baby... but I'm sure she will enjoy a day out with all of us at the beach... picnic... swimming... bla bla bla.

So, here's hoping it's going to be nice and fine.

It would make a change for sure.

This has been one of the most crap summers I can remember!  It has rained almost EVERY other DAY since before Christmas!

I've been out in the sun ONCE.  
I have been swimming ONCE.
And I'm a true water baby.
I love swimming.

So, fingers crossed.

We want to go up to Omaha/Matheson Bay/Goat Island.  Swim with the fish.

ABOVE:  The Kaipara Cat.
Did I ever tell you I found out that my Dad's last fishing boat was now owned by a couple up in Helensville, and they do fishing charters on the Kaipara Harbour?  
Anyway, I have corresponded with them, just to say how nice the boat is looking... and they offered to take us out on the boat sometime.  I declined,  as the charter fees are about $1,000 a day!
Would you believe they have offered to take us out FOR FREE!!!
I have replied with a resounding... OMG YES PLEASE!   Waiting now to see what happens!

Also, they mentioned that they knew lots about what my Dad did to overhaul the boat, including making a 'special' toilet seat for the head.  Only, the seat was not on the boat when they bought it.


 ABOVE:  I HAVE IT!....  I removed it when my Dad died, cos It was something special he had made and felt proud of.

ABOVE:  My Dad set crabs into it!  It's rather 'unique'.   I plan on giving it to them so they can put it back where it belongs.  I know that they will appreciate it very much.

ONWARD... the day awaits.

It ain't shining.
Everyone slept in.
In fact, Steve and Bex are still in bed (10.30)

So... the beach is not going to happen.
We are now thinking of a train trip into town and a ferry over to Devonport.
We shall see...

The trains were not running today, so we drove downtown and caught the ferry over to Devonport and had lunch there:

 ABOVE:  a very nice ship berthed in Auckland...

ABOVE X's 3:  Steve and Bex...

ABOVE: lunch down by the water.... lots of birds.  The pigeons were particularly 'friendly'....

ABOVE:  Steve and Griffin got lots of fun out of the pigeons!  

ABOVE: Bex wasn't so sure about them... they kept slipping on her knees and digging their claws in ...

ABOVE:  The boys having fun.  The lady in the background was taking photos of them too.

ABOVE:  Stew got in on the act too.  Brylee didn't like them at all, so stayed clear.

 ABOVE:  Griffin on the other hand, absolutely LOVED them.

After returning to the city, we drove along the waterfront, took in some nice scenery, then had an ice cream at the Movenpik shop in Mission Bay.

Home now... rather tired!  Hoping the family don't want much for dinner as I sure don't!

End of Day: Stew cooked dinner.  Potato wedges and chicken drumsticks.  Nice.
Steve and Bex have gone to the movies.... quiet night in for us.  How usual.
ON TRACK:  sort of.
nite nite.


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