ABOVE: pigeon claws raking on knees ... makes for 'horror' faces!!!

ABOVE: Awwwww.... love is.....

ABOVE:  two goofy kids.

ABOVE:  Yes *sigh*... Steve is a dirty, dirty, little kiwi !   lol

ABOVE:  Oh look, a nice one of them!   Finally.

ABOVE: a very pretty bay .... only it's a 'nudist' beach.  No one was down there in the nuddy yesterday.  Steve did look! 

TODAY:  not sure yet.  Steve has to work, so Bex is here with us.  I think Steve is expecting her to bake scones and take them down to his workplace at morning tea... apparently his boss wants to SEE Bex.... cos she reckon's she's a figment of his imagination!  lol

So, maybe we are making scones this morning!


WOW, it's not often I neglect my blog ALL DAY!
But, we have been fairly busy.
After arising, we did a big grocery shop, came home, unloaded it all... then we had visitors arrive.
I made a batch of cheese scones for lunch and we had them with MY JAM and cream.
I had ONE.
We used the RAPP jam (rhubarb, apple, pineapple and Passionfruit) and it was TO DIE FOR!

Some of the others had my plum jam and raved about that too.

I felt like a real 'wifey'  lol.

 ABOVE: our visitors were Sofia Grace Cleary ... and her Mum, Dad and brother.  Clearly I forgot to photograph them!  

ABOVE:  I did manage to get a few of Sofia though! lol

It's almost dinner time, we are having corn on the cob... 
OH and I'm also making more jam!

End of Day:  the latest batch of jam was Nectarine/Apple/Pineapple and Passionfruit.  Another success!  
Very tired tonight.  Not been sleeping well... think I'm getting hot flushes at night again.  That makes me feel very sad as I thought I was over them.
ON TRACK: yep... using all my points though, which I hadn't been doing.
nite nite


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