I was SO bad last night.
I got pissed as a chook....and said some stuff that would NEVER usually come outta my mouth.

I OWE wee Joyce the biggest apology ever!  My mouth... I don't even know where that came from.  SO SORRY Joyce.   
Not elaborating.
nuff said.

The photos from last night:

 ABOVE:  nah... nothing bad rubbed off.  Lacy and her niece EMILY... before Em got snatched away from the evil Aunty.  Family = love.  NO MATTER WHAT.

 ABOVE:  5 of our 6 children.  ONE day I hope to get all 6 together again.  And I hope they actually like being together!  

ABOVE:  all who were there last night.  Sans Stew and me.   I was behind the camera.... and Stew was doing the dishes.  

I cooked roast pork and veges.  
Only I had none.
I was too ..........  wound up.

So.... I killed a bottle of wine.  
And lived to regret it.
It is so not worth killing a whole bottle of wine on one's own...... cos it really makes SLEEPING impossible... the blasted room SPINS EH?

Today:   WELL... It was gunna be a mega clean up... but I'm feeling a bit 'seedy'... so maybe not right now.

Griffin has to be at school at 8am for Bootcamp... so I better get moving... lunches to make... bla bla bla.

Back later

Mike and Joyce popped in to return the BBQ we lent to the Netball Teams, it was nice to see them again.  Now they have gone and  Bex has taken Brylee to school and Steve to work... so just for a moment ... it's just me and the dogs.

Now that I have had a little bit of time to reflect on this past weekend, I think it will be a cold day in hell before I invite anyone to come for a weekend again.
It was a disaster.

CRANKY:  thanks for your comment on my rant blog, I am going to publish some of it here:

"While you are in my house, as a guest, eating my food and drinking my drinks you respect my wishes as both the home owner and as a parent. Lacy is my daughter and I welcome her here as much as I welcome any of you. If you cannot be civil to her please do not come. She needs my support as a mother and if you choose not to support her as a sister that is a decision you have to live with. However, not talking to her or not eating with her is unacceptable in my house. I would support you in the same way if you needed it and I am incredibly hurt by your behaviour"   

Those words are what Cranky would have said if she was their mother.... but I echo them 100%.

Time to finally do some housework I think... I'm feeling much better physically now!  Head is still a bit sore, but I'll live!

I finally got the house all spic and span again!  Bex helped heaps, she's a lovely girl.

Clearly I made a major blunder last night by inviting Lacy to dinner with her visiting siblings.
I did suggest she leave when it became apparent that none of them would have anything to do with her... but Stew stopped me.

I am SO VERY SORRY to everyone .... I will not try to UNITE my family ever again.

And ... when I die... don't fucking come to my funeral ... cos Lacy might be there too.


LYNISE: yes I can see where you are coming from.  I had just hoped that my kids could try and make an effort FOR ME.  It is ME who Lacy has hurt the most, not them at all.  It is ME who is prepared to put that aside for the sake of an unborn innocent baby.
I see now that nothing is going to change.... Lacy is always going to be treated like shit.  That is going to be hard for her.... tarred and feathered for the rest of her life.
And obviously ... as Stew and I are always going to be there for her in some capacity, we will be tarred and feathered as well.

Because of the personal nature and content of OB's comment, and in respect of Lacy's privacy... it has been deleted.  This was after Steve, Stew and a couple of other family members read that comment and asked me to delete it.

End of Day:  well it's had it's lows, and then some more.
ON TRACK:  Maybe not.
nite nite.


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