Apparently the weather is going to take a dive and turn nasty.
OH yaaa... I hope we get thunder and lightening! We don't get enough stormy weather here.  I love a good storm.

Am I the only one I wonder?

We meet Lacy's new midwife this morning.  Lyn (friend) recommended her, so did my Dr.... so it will be interesting to meet her.  She is YOUNG, like 25!!!  I wonder if she has had a baby herself?

After that meeting, I think we will come home, as I'm expecting Bex sometime today too.

ABOVE:  sad we only get to see Mike now and then.... I nicked this photo off Joyce's Facebook last night.  He's a damn gorgeous boy is our Mike.. oh and Joyce scrubs up nice too!  lol
Wish I could convice them to move up here.  I'm sure I could squeeze them in SOMEWHERE.


And... the weather forecast was CORRECT... it's pissing down and blowing something rotten...  and for the first morning in well over a week, I've woken up without having a coughing fit!
I am getting better... excellent!

The rain didn't last long ... now it's fine again and humid as hell.
The midwife visit went well... she has made an appointment for Lacy to see our
Doctor and Maternal Mental Health this afternoon with a view to getting her some meds to help her sleep.

All is is going well with the pregnancy which is great.

Ended up having to take her to the Dr's this afternoon for some sleeping pills... AND now she has an appointment next week with Maternal Mental health to get her more.  
Just call me 'The Taxi'... NOT that happy with that, but what can I do?
She has to get to these appointments.  

End of Day:  I'm over today.  Bex's car packed a hissy and wouldn't go after spending all day in the garage getting fixed.  So Kelly drove her up here... so we have Bex, Kelly and Rena here to add to the mix.
I've got kids on air beds, on couches, on mattresses on the floor.... *sigh*.
ON TRACK:  can I even remember?  
NITE NITE.  Bring on another day.


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