Chilli & Peppadew Turkey Burgers

This recipe is a great twist on the classic burger (which, when made with beef mince is a lot higher in calories and fat too!).. these burgers are really fun to make and taste delicious. You can serve them with as much (or as little) salad as you like in a bread bun of your choice!

So, to make these delicious 'Chilli & Peppadew Turkey Burgers' you will need (serves 3-4):

350g Turkey Mince
60g Peppadew Peppers
4 tbsp of wholemeal breadcrumble (and bread baps to serve)
1 Onion, 1 Chilli
(Salad to Serve)
& for the relish: 4 tbsp of natural yoghurt & 5cm of cucumber
And here's what to do..

1) Place the turkey in a large bowl and mix in the onion, chilli, peppers (chop as finely as you want) and breadcrumbs (season with salt and pepper as desired)..

You may want to chop the vegetables a bit more finely.. depending on how you like them (I like them thicker to add 'crunch' and texture to the burgers)
2) Divide the mixture into 4 and shape each portion into a round measuring 10cm across. Place the burgers on a plate lined with baking paper and leave to chill for 30 minutes..

3) Meanwhile, make the relish.. simply mix the yoghurt and chopped cucumber and chill in the fridge until required.

4) Pre-heat the grill on a medium setting and line a grill rack with baking paper, securing the ends under the rack and place the burgers on top. Cook for 8-10 minutes and then turn over and cook for a further 8-10 minutes until cooked through.

5) Prepare the salad (you may wish to add extra Peppadew Peppers here)..

6) Serve the turkey burgers in a bread bap with salad and relish... and enjoy!

These burgers look and taste great.. Do let me know if you make them yourself! This is my third and final entry to the British Turkey & Peppadew Blogging Competition.. to read more about this click [here].

Nutrition Per Burger (inc. relish & bread bap): 270 kcal, 27g Protein, 30g Carbs, 3g Fat*
Nutritional Benefits: Low fat, high protein meat source

For more great tasting, low calorie recipes click [here]
Have a great rest of the week!

Nic x
*Nutritional information provided by Firecracker


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