ABOVE:  It's always so amazing to be able to 'see' a baby this early on a scan!  Even the baby's heart is beating already.  I can't even tell what's what yet!  But, I saw the heart pumping away! 

Quite a buzz.... even though I've seen quite a few baby scans now!  They are all special.
Wonder how many grandkids Stew and I will end up with?

Today Lacy and I are going to the mall.... don't even know why?  We just are.  I think Lacy wants to buy nappies.... she's starting to 'stock up' in readiness for Miss Muppet's arrival.


NOW I remember why... I want to find some short black boots for winter.   Or maybe tan?  Not sure yet, been looking for a while now, but not that seriously.  Today I HOPE to find some.

 ABOVE:  well it took a while ... but I finally settled on these Hush Puppies.  They need to be 'walked in' a bit, one is quiet tight over the bridge of me foot.... but the shop assistant assures me it will loosen up.  Fat feet... grrrr.

ABOVE: THIS was such a good look while trying on boots/shoes!  Freaking toe escaped didn't it?  I bought new tights today too.  lol

Lacy got more nappies so she's happy.  
Home, and it's time for a little relax... and lunch!

I've been busy.  Tidied up my craft area, shit it gets messy SO QUICK!  Drives me mental, can't stand a mess.
Looking forward to working on a wall hanging tonight... got lots to do.... and I love that.
Yakked to me Mum too... it's so nice between us right now.. like it used to be years ago.  We are close again.  I'm very happy about that.

Freaking dinner time... better go sort something out for the family....

End of Day:  I did Chicken rissoles for dinner.  Then watched Coronation Street.... ooo exciting.... David ran over Graeme!  Such a life I lead... getting all excited over Coronation Street!  lol
nite nite.


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