I'm going to Hamilton today... some family business to attend.
Then I hope to meet Amanda for lunch.
I get to have cuddles with wee Emily, that will be lovely.

Now that Lacy is at home, I can relax knowing if I'm running late there will be someone at home when the kids get home from school.

It sure helped yesterday when I was in the city and not likely to get home before they got home from school.

I never thought I would be happy Lacy was living under my roof again!  lol.... it is a weird feeling for sure.

ABOVE:  latest picture of the belly... sure is growing! Little Miss Muppet (KLCH... her initials)  is doing well in there.

Not much else to add for the day .... catch ya'all when I get back...


Want to know why I went to Hamilton?

Here's why:

ABOVE:  Steve and Bec's with the very first photos of their baby!  Number 11 grandbaby is 8 weeks and 1 day along.

ABOVE:  seeing their little baby for the first time.... it's wee heart was already clearly visible and beating!  So sweet.

ABOVE: driving down... Waikato fog.. how typical! Freezing cold, miserable, damp Waikato.

After the scan I went around to Amanda's... Steve and Bex did their own thing... so Amanda, Emily and I went to The Base for some shopping and lunch.
She ended up having to leave Emily and I there and go pick up Joel from school as he wasn't feeling well.
So Em and I had lunch together... which was lovely.  She's great company, as long as you do what SHE wants!

ABOVE:  yummm....

 ABOVE:  want one Grandma?  

ABOVE: Amanda bought a puppy.  'Lady' is a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel.  She's cute.  NOT as cute as ours, but still cute.

So, another lovely day I've had!  Got to see yet another grandbaby on the way (that makes 3 on the way!), got to cluck over Miss Emily too.  

End of Day:  made butter chicken for dinner.... as per usual... was rather yum.
ON TRACK:  sadly, no.
nite nite.


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