I sometimes lie on the couch after lunch and have a 'nana nap'.... before the kids get home from school.
Yesterday I was doing just that, watching some mindless crap on the telly, when I spied something moving on the ceiling... and nearly shit myself !  
It was a ruddy great whitetail spider!

ABOVE:  clearly a whitetail... one of the few poisonous critters here in New Zealand.  They can cause a really nasty bite/infection.  

Anyway... I saw that bugger and leapt off the couch in search of flyspray quick smart.... and flitted him... he dropped like a stone. (well... AFTER I took a photo of him that is!)  lol
I'm still pissing myself hoping it's not coming to get me!

ABOVE:  I've copied some more giraffe pictures off the 'net... so I've got heaps to keep me happy!  

TODAY:  well much to Stew's disgust... I've got some housework jobs for everyone.... once they are done we might just go out for lunch ...


PINKY:  nope, my favourite animal is a Rhino!  They are awesome.  Maybe I will do some of them after the Giraffes.

Stew and I have been moving stuff around, putting the gym equipment here and there, with the hope that we will have Griffin back in his bedroom by the end of the weekend.

NOW:  we are going out for lunch...

Lunch was nice.  Love Sylvia Park... 
Bought Brylee school winter shoes, then came home and had a quiet afternoon.
Just made meatloaf for dinner tonight... and enough for another two nights next week too.

Gunna go down into the garage now and start on a Giraffe for Lacy, she has chosen the colours... will show ya later.

End of Day:  well... dinner was very nice.... I do make a mean meatloaf!
ON TRACK: yes... as long as ya don't count the piece of Feijoa Cake I had after dinner!
nite nite.


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