The Healthy Portion Plate

A key way to weight loss is portion control. Even a 'healthy diet' will cause weight gain if eaten in the wrong portions. A simple 'trick' of how to achieve portion control is to fill half of your lunch and dinner plates with vegetables or salad, a quarter with lean protein and a quarter with wholegrain carbohydrate. As I said in my previous post though, knowing this simple 'trick' and then doing it are two different things.

The 'healthy portion plate'
The above plate has been devised to help people to achieve portion control at meal times - you can read more about it [here]. I tried the plate out myself to show you how portion control of a meal can be achieved.. cue my example!


This plate is great for people who like to follow a physical guide when dishing up their meal plates, as opposed to just imagining what proportions you should be aiming for. Even dishes such as lasagna, spaghetti-bolognese or a stir-fry can work with the plate by simply using half the plate for salad and the other half for the carb and protein mix (e.g. pasta & mince).

Even if this plate isn't for you then I still highly recommend it's principles.. to feast on veggies and salad (as many colours as possible) and watch the portions of carbs and protein on your plate - not to mention any added fats such as mayonnaise/butter (keep these high-calorie additions to a minimum if you're trying to lose weight - and go for their 'lighter' equivalents if possible).

There is also evidence to suggest that having slightly more protein than carbs can help if you're trying to lose weight.. as protein increases satiety.. meaning you feel fuller for longer and more satisfied after a meal (meaning less chances of feeling peckish shortly after!).

Let me know your thoughts on the healthy portion plate - I would love to hear them!

Nic x


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