We have a pet travel case, and I had intended to put Teddy in it overnight to stop him scratching at the laundry door... but do you think Stew and I can find it?
We turned our house upside down yesterday looking for it!  We even went up into the attic three times to make sure it wasn't up there!  I even went up there!

Nowhere to be found.
We are at a total loss to know where it has gone!

ABOVE: our lost pet case.  I don't know how it's "LEFT" my house?  It has always been in the exact same place in the garage... until now.
I suppose I will have to go and buy another one now... which really pisses me off.  

While up in the attic yesterday I came across a box my mother had left here.... and inside I found my brother Vern's personal items.  His Passport, wallets, travel documents, watches, photos and of all things, a pair of socks.

ABOVE:  felt weird going through his wallets... but I felt OK until I came to this:

ABOVE:  the last and final entry in his passport. It just made me so sad.  Vern has been gone 13 years, but it only feels like yesterday.

TODAY:  more of the same from yesterday.  Housework.
Then I want to go out!  I think a nice lunch out somewhere is in order... cos I'm crabbier than Teddy's arse right now.  And feeling a bit sad.

TRACY:  thanks for the offer Chick, but we do have enough beds... the problem is fitting them all in!
LEIGH:  I know I havn't left me dog case at the Vet's or Groomers.  It was in my garage the last time I saw it... for sure.

Where to put Griffin.... SORTED.

BEFORE:  Lacy had the queen size bed in Griffin's room.

AFTER:  Now she is sharing the room with Griffin.  Two piglets together, I dread to think how the room will end up looking once she comes back!  She ain't a tidy person. Nor is Griffin.

The queen size bed has been dismantled and put down in our storage room, under the house.  It's packed to the gunnels now... we just don't have any more room!
I'm going to buy a small garden shed to store all the 'outdoor' stuff like the lawn mower, weed eater etc so we can actually move in the storage room!

Moving to a bigger house would be the ideal solution ... but that would cost way more than we can afford right now.  *sigh*

FROGGY: I didn't put Brylee in with Lacy for two reasons.
1.  It would have meant moving all Brylee's stuff into Griffin's room... cos if I'd put Griffin in Brylee's room she would have gone nuts about him 'touching my stuff'.
2.  Griffin snores.  More incentive for Lacy to leave... lol!  Nah ... cos all Griffin's stuff was already in that room, and it was the easier option.

MURPHY'S LAW:   we went out and bought another dog travel case.....
Got home and Stew went down to the storage room under the house... thinking... did I look under that tarpaulin in the chimney alcove???? So:

ABOVE:  After spending literally HOURS looking for it yesterday... he found it.  Now we have two.  Which is fine, cos when I transport them to the groomers from now on, they will be in cases... no more getting leads all tangled up in the car.  YAAA.  

ABOVE:  I bought more of these vacum storage bags, cos I have too many blankets and duvets... but I know if I were to give them away I would suddenly need them.  So, going to suck the air out of them so they take up less room.

ABOVE: the 'spare' linen pile.  Oh yaaaa.

ABOVE:  Quite a job, luckily Stew helped.  We are amazed at how much air you can suck out of stuff.... now it all fits in.  Awesome.

Been having some MASSIVE hot flushes lately.  I'm starting to think they are linked to stress.  Cos I was getting less and less of them, and now they are happening ALL. THE. TIME.  ... again.
Even with me taking some drugs to keep them at bay... tis not working.


End of Day:  got lots done again today, so happy.  Going to do some sewing now... couple of hours in the chilly garage should keep hot flushes at bay?  Here's hoping.
ON TRACK: nope!  Well.. not too bad.
nite nite.


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