I can't believe it took me hours to applique this cute little rhino yesterday!
I still need to make some sort of border and quilt her... but she's so cute!

ABOVE:  cute or what!  Lacy thinks she looks like she's on drugs!  lol

MARIA:  Lacy tidied her room last night, cos you told her to!  I will take a photo of her tidy room later on today!

I am also going to drag Stew out to look at bunks... cos that might just solve me 'wardrobe' problem!

TEDDY:  remember how he was so miserable the other day?  Well all that fuss was over the jumper he had on!  He didn't like it.  So it's off now.  So now he's a bit cold.  Two nights we let the dogs stay inside on Steve's bed overnight, which they loved.  Us?   Not so much ... cos they have a nasty habit of bed hopping and waking everyone up, so last night I put them back in the laundry on their sheepskin.

And Teddy whined and scratched on the bloody door ALL NIGHT LONG!  I am fit to kill him now.
I'm in such a foul mood ... he better not do the same thing tonight or he's gunna find out just how cold the garage is!


We looked at some bunks this morning.  I'm not that sure I want to spend money we can ill afford on something we might not need for long?
So, Stew suggested we put two single beds in Griffin's room and he can share with Lacy.  I think that's what we will do .... and see how it goes.
I am totally opposed to Brylee and Griffin sharing a room.
Just because.

NOW.. just because I can:

ABOVE:  NOW I feel better.


I feel so very lucky that I have such a large and loving family, and in no time at all I will have even more darling Grandbabies to smother with love.
Of course, there are UNDERCURRENTS... but I have decided NO MORE Mrs Nice Person.

We will be fine without people who are full of bullshit.

Lacy has gone out for the day... and overnight.  So it's just Stew, the kids and me for a change.

We are going to go hard and get this house sorted once and for all.
I'm over having a kid in the bloody wardrobe.  It's just so... WRONG!  *smiles*

End of Day:  Stew and I are shagged.  We've moved things around... and Griffin is now back in his bedroom... well 1/2 of his bedroom!  He is sharing with Lacy.  ha ha ha
I know it's early, but I am going to drown me sorrows... so ain't gunna update again!  
nite nite.


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