Ok, lots to do today.
First... get housework up to date.
Second... take Lacy to her midwife appointment.
Third... buy more bran flakes for the mealworms.
Fourth... sit down and read blogs... cos I have been the worst blog friend lately!

Much apologies.

Once I am caught up on that, I will do some sewing...

Lacy and Bex are both home ... so they can amuse each other!

ABOVE:  a craft/art Gallery near Omaha yesterday.... I loved this fish... till I saw the price!  OMG like, hundreds of dollars for a paper mache' fish!  Needless to say, it stayed right where it was.

ABOVE:  moments after arriving home, my new blankie is stolen... Bex and Teddy liked it... but I  got it back!

ABOVE:  HAPPY 1ST BIRTHDAY to my Great Niece Skye!  Isn't she gorgeous! 

AND.... HAPPY 75th BIRTHDAY to my Mum... Skye's Great Grandmother!


ADDED a bit to yesterday's update.

No midwife today afterall... strangely, she's delivering a baby !  lol
So, Lacy will see her tomorrow instead.
Think I will go grocery shopping....

Yaaaa, shopping is done.  We also visited the Baby Factory:

ABOVE:  covering the bases with the bibs... and a baby wedge that can be passed on to the next baby.... and the next.... bla bla bla.

MARIA:  I'm of the opinion that an infant is safest on it's side... with a wedge to stop it rolling onto it's front OR back.
Sleeping infants exclusively on their backs (as MODERN 'experts' recommend) can and does cause a lot of babies to have 'flat heads', which require correction later on with the use of a helmet that is strapped on their heads for 24 hrs a day.  NO THANKS .... my grandbabies will sleep on their sides and never have a flat head.... unless the parent WANTS to sleep their baby on it's back that is.... which is their prerogative of course.

Yaaa.... groceries done, Bugs sorted, Frogs sorted, House jobs done.... dinner on... finally time to read some blogs!!!

End of Day:  well it's been a fairly busy one... dinner was very yum.... we had dessert too ... just what Stew and I didn't have on our mini break.
ON TRACK:  wish I could say yes, but probably tomorrow will be better.
nite nite.


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