Sooo... today Lacy sees the Midwife, ALL. GOING. WELL.
I am sure she will get a clean bill of health, and all will be well with little Miss Muppet.  I think today we book her into the hospital/birth centre too.

I got a few blogs read yesterday, and will try to do more today.  I hope I haven't missed anyone out!

After the midwife appointment the day is all mine, and I intend to sew.  I have quite a few unfinished projects that I really do want to get done before I continue with my giraffes.... which will either be wall hangings OR a quilt... not sure yet.

WARNING:  rant ahead....

We were watching TV last night when an advert came on that I had not seen before and I was DISGUSTED!  

ABOVE:  since WHEN did we girls need 'special' cleaners for down there?  I am like, super offended .... if you have a shower every day using 'regular' soap you sure in hell do NOT need friggin 'Vagisil'.... and who the hell came up with THAT name?  "Stop odour" how offensive!
Stew was thrilled to see that advert I can tell ya!
Where is the special 'boy' cleaner product then?  Perhaps we can call it 'Penis-il'!  OR are we supposed to believe guys never get 'smelly'???

I truly believe manufacturers will come up with almost ANYTHING to make a buck... all in the guise of helping us with their amazing product.

How many girls out there are going to get all paranoid over perhaps having an 'odour' problem and they go and buy something totally unnecessary?

Grrrrr.  And there end-ith me rant.


It pissed down with rain all night, so loudly it woke me up a few times.  Now... it's still pissing down, and I am COLD!  Yep, first time this year I have really felt cold.
Don't know if I like it. 

All is well with Lacy and Miss Muppet.... and we see the midwife again in two weeks.
After seeing her we went to the Warehouse and bought a couple of winter clothes items... then we came home and I cooked us all toasted sandwiches for lunch.
Was yummy.

Now... watching last night's Home and Away... like I do most days while I have me lunch... then I will go downstairs and see what I feel like sewing.

JO:  yes to your question.  Ewwww, how could anyone do that?  

I went down to the garage with every intention  of making a start on quilting Emily's single bed quilt.  But OMG my back started to kill me bending down getting the layers sandwiched and pinned (my back being the main reason why it's not ALREADY finished)... when Bex came up with a FANTASTIC SUGGESTION.
More on that..... tomorrow.   *smiles*

JACKIE: Lacy is due in just over 7 weeks... all going well.

End of Day:  so-so day... happy with how well Lacy is doing.
ON TRACK: yes....even though I really felt like ice cream tonight.  Stew wouldn't go and get me any.... then he proceeded to eat a big chunk of cheese and a banana in front of me.  The shit.
nite nite.


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