ABOVE: Steve and Bex just could not wait to start getting stuff for their baby!  This bassinette was on sale, half price... so they bought it.   Cute.... their baby is not much bigger than a freaking Jellybean and it's already got a bed.  lol

The rate they are going they will have everything BUT the baby before too long... and then they will just have to sit and wait for said baby... for months!  lol   They are so keen for him/her to get here, which is rather sweet.

Lacy is the same, gnashing at the bit for Miss Muppet to arrive... AND our DIL Tess is the same!  Babies everywhere!

OH and before I forget:

ABOVE: THIS is what I got yesterday!  Only, I think I got the wrong one?  Maybe I shall be swapping it for the smaller one, not sure yet.

Today:  We visit the Midwife, and in the afternoon Lacy has an appointment with WINZ to sort out the bond for her Housing Corp house.
So ... a busy day ahead of us.


I had a 'go' at putting some curls in me hair this morning.  Found out 2 things.
1.  The size of the curls is just right for my hair I reckon.
2.  And F*#k I need to get some kevlar gloves!  I kept burning meself.  Hurts.  Like, the freakin thing is super HOT.  DERRRR.

Off to the midwives shortly ... where I am sure Lacy will get a clean bill of health.  She's doing really well... and not bitching too much about the discomfort of it all.... surprisingly!

JOAN: Lacy has almost everything she needs for her new home... she didn't have a vacuum cleaner, but a good blogging friend of mine is giving her one!   All we really, really need now is curtains... and I've got my eye on several sets on Trademe (online auction site), so hopefully by the time she moves in I will have sorted out that problem. 
The floors in the house are all wooden, so we have a few spare rugs that she can have.... hopefully she will be all set up before Miss Muppet arrives.

Steve and Bec's... well I'm not going to worry about them for now, there's enough to think about right now.

You mentioned we have lots of different personalities in my family!  You are so right there.  There is always something going on!

TRACY:  Jeeeezzzzz.... I WANT THE STEAMER!  LOL.  I'll ask her if she wants the fruit bowl when she comes outta her room... she's busy letting her friends know how the midwife appointment went.

And it did go well.. no problems.  She is allowed to deliver Miss Muppet at Botany Birth Centre, and IF baby displays any withdrawal symptoms from the medication Lacy is on she can be transferred to Middlemore easily. So all good!

Killing time until her next appointment today, over in Henderson.  Should do some housework I suppose... 

FINALLY home after hours of meeting, reading contracts, Lacy signing her life away (just joking)... and now... she has the keys to her new home.
We will pop over there tonight to show Stew and see if the power is on or not.  If not, it means more meeting to get her connected and bond paid.  Oh yaaa.
But in all, it's been an excellent day!
Everything is coming together for Lacy. 

End of Day:  I've been hounding Trademe for curtains for Lacy's house... had some success too.  Just bought two sets of curtains for the two bedrooms... at fairly decent prices too.  Happy about that.
ON TRACK:  yes.
nite nite


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