Strawberry Ice Cubes!

Summer is officially here in England!! As ever, we're not sure how long this glorious weather will last, but what us Brits do know is that we need to make the most of it whilst it's here! Keeping hydrated in the sun is a must and what better way to quench your thirst than with a tall glass of chilled water topped with nutrient-bursting, colourful strawberry ice-cubes!

I first saw these ice-cubes on Pinterest and couldn't wait to make them.. added to water they add a delicate fruity flavour and smell divine with every sip!

To make your own strawberry ice-cubes simply fill an ice-cube tray with water and pop in small strawberry halves (having cut the tops off first!) .. I chilled mine over night before popping into water (or your favourite summer cordial) and enjoying!

Summer Fruits Cordial.. *yum*

You also have the fun of eating the strawberries once your glass is finished! *bonus* !! Anti-oxidant boost here we come!

Enjoy the summer sun everyone! - oh and don't forget the sun cream ;)

Nutrition Per Ice-cube: 2 kcal, 0.1g Protein, 0.4g Carbs, 0g Fat, 0.1g FIbre
(You actually burn more calories eating ice-cubes than these provide!)
Nutritional Benefits: Antioxidants, Vitamin C

To read more about keeping hydrated [click here] .. bottoms up!

Nic x


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