Wine-cation, Have to Get Away

It's pretty evident that I love wine. I mean, duh. Champagne (clearly), pinot noir, cabernet, and pinot grigio for summer - I'm not biased, as long as it tastes yummy and gives me that warm, fuzzy feeling, I am game.

And I have no issues with drinking wine regularly. Though I'll admit, that "glass a day" has turned into two lately, mostly three. On weekends, four or five. Maybe it's the added stress of working full time, going to school, being a wife, running The Champagne Diet and still trying to keep my sanity, but wine has gone from a treat to a crutch, and frankly, I feel gross. And I've gained a couple extra pounds, which has also in turn made me feel even grosser. That nightly treat has gone from making me feel giddy and relaxed, to making me feel tired, sluggish and fat. And sometimes, we need to check ourselves, before we wreck ourselves.

So for that reason I have decided to take a wine-cation for the month of May. Once you pick your jaw up from the floor, please continue to read on...

Yes, I'm doing it ladies. I just don't feel like myself. I need a serious cleanse. I need to shed these extra pounds and come out of my pinot noir fog. I need to learn to appreciate wine again the way it should be appreciated. And as they say, absence makes the heart grow fonder (and I plan to be pretty damn fond of it come June 1st.)

Now let me just add my disclaimer, there is nothing wrong with a good glass of vino. I love it, and it will always be a part of my life. Wine is amazing. Wine is friends, it is family, it is culture. But for now, mama needs to take a little break to get her bearings. Once I'm back, I'll continue on with enjoying my wine the way it's meant to be enjoyed - in a sexy outfit, 10 pounds lighter, at a nice restaurant on a Saturday night. The way I've always enjoyed it.

In the meantime, it's sparkling water for me (in a wine glass, of course), and this song, on repeat.


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