Today I'm going out to get some 'stuff' for the basket of goodies I want to take with Stew and I when we go away for our weekend break.

I'm thinking.... nuts, fruit, bottle or two of wine, chocolates, cheese, crackers, pate' etc.

On Friday I will buy fresh fruit, bacon and eggs .... and so on.

I am looking forward to it so much.
Just to relax, no kids, no 'time' issues... just do what we want for two days and nights.  

(and NO, I ain't buying Chocolate 'Body Paint', so there!)

Not sure what else I will get up to today... but I do hope to dedicate a good chunk of time to catching up on some blog reading... I am so behind AGAIN.  *sigh*.... been a bit busy again.

And hopefully I don't find anything else to MOVE in this house for a long time... I think everyone (including me) is over it now!  lol


OMG I ache all over!  To be expected I suppose.... my shoulders and arms are the worst.... OUCHY.
Photos of what I moved around:

 ABOVE: Yaaa!  got the car in the garage again....

ABOVE:  gym/sewing side.  I've got a bit less room for me craft/sewing now... BUT compromises had to happen.

ABOVE: Griffin's room, which Lacy is using right now.

ABOVE:  bruises starting to show from my efforts yesterday... this arm took the brunt of it.

ABOVE: Steve's room... back where he was originally, and now we have NO ONE sleeping in the freezing garage.
Stew didn't like us having people in the garage AT ALL... thought it was a bit too 'third world-ish'.  So, he's happy now too.

Lacy and I went down to the mall to get me 'weekend supplies'.... 

 ABOVE:  lots of yummies!  NO chocolate sauce to be seen either.  But .... I got whipped cream.... hmmmm.

ABOVE:  I've got the perfect basket for it all too....

ABOVE:  I also found some more of these neat containers, I use them to cook veges in the microwave.  They are perfect for that!

 ABOVE: Brunch in the mall...

ABOVE:  Lacy has caught my 'bug' of taking a photo of EVERYTHING!  LOL

I'm going to have a little 'relax' time now... cos I'm still knackered from yesterday!

SANDRA:  Griffin is on an airbed... in my walk in wardrobe!  FOR NOW.
ANON:  Stew's beer... is still in the supermarket! I didn't want to buy the wrong one, so I'm leaving the beer to him.... though I think he will be drinking rum and coke somehow.

WOMBAT:  now do you REALLY KNOW all that I am packing for our weekend away... hmmmm....  lol.

Spent a bit of time this afternoon getting my craft/sewing area JUST SO... how Stew had it was not gunna work for me.  There is more room now, for me and for people getting out of the car.

The rain finally arrived, been expecting it ... supposed to rain for days now.  

End of Day:  really tired today, everything was an effort.  But at least I got the car in the garage before it really started to rain.
ON TRACK: yep.
nite nite.


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