I went to Hamilton last night.... for this:

 ABOVE:  8 weeks and 1 day old... Number 12 Grandbaby!

ABOVE:  Amanda at her first baby scan... for her baby Number 4.

Do you realise in the last 7 days I have seen 3 grandbabies on scans?  Lacy's, Bec's and now Amanda's !  And of course, there is Russell's partner Tess over in Australia who is due to have their baby on the 19th of July!  

We have 4 Grandbabies ON THE WAY!!!

My calendar is getting full!  LOL.  It's such fun.

TODAY:  off to Hospice shop.... I've missed it too.
I wonder if there will be any treasure for me today?


Nice day at Hospice... busy... found lots more baby clothes... think we are going to need them! lol

Lacy is 'home' for the afternoon... it's good cos I don't have to worry about her if she's here!

I'm freaking tired today.  Not been sleeping well... staying up too late.  So a quiet afternoon for me I hope.

I lay on the couch for a few minutes... next minute it was bloody 5pm!  Hell's Bells!!!  I must have been tired.

ABOVE:  Bex and I bought these books yesterday.... well I think it was yesterday?  So much going on in this house... it's hard keeping up with everything.

I got them cos I'd heard lots of hype about the books... how good they were.  So, here's hoping they ARE good.

I get to start reading them first, then Bex gets them.  I just hope I find the time to read them!  Blogging seems to take up all of my 'spare' time now days.
EDIT:  I have now been informed this set of books is quite 'racy and sexually explicit'... hmmmm.... not something I would usually buy... so hopefully they are not too bad! 

End of Day:  it's been a really nice day... no stress.  Had a lovely yak with me Mum tonight, she's ringing more often now... she's looking forward to hearing Miss Muppett is here! 
nite nite.


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