It's Good To Be Loved

On days like today, it's really good to know you're loved.

I'd like to think I'm pretty financially responsible. I make good money (I can't tell you how much because I work for a major corporation that makes us take privacy & confidentiality tests online), but let's just say I am very comfortable. My husband was out of work for the past six months until recently, but that was neither here nor there because technically if we were budget-conscious DINK's we'd have a juicy savings account and an accordion file of coupons that we used regularly.

Neither of the two are true.

With that said, it pains me to look at my checking account on the eve of pay-day. Like it really, really pains me. Mainly because there is usually somewhere around $2.08 left in it. Apparently us DINK's never really adjusted to the fact that the "D" in our title changed to an "S" and we kept going out to dinner upwards of three times a week and have yet to curb our cocktail habit. Plus I like really expensive shampoo.

But the one thing that has truly saved me through this wretched time is the fact that I have champagne sponsors. Yes, I am aware of how horrific that sentence sounds. But really, it's a nice perk that has saved me from going to the liquor store with a bucket of change  to buy a bottle of Yellowtail Merlot just to get my rocks off. 

I don't make any money off this blog, and I truly pour my heart and soul into it. I'm not complaining at all - I choose to do this and the thrill I get from connecting with all of you is enough pay to last me a lifetime (honestly), but it is nice to know that I get free booze sent to me on the regular. And no, it's not booze in exchange for editorial reviews, because that would be really wrong and dishonest. It's pretty organic; I "meet" a champagne brand online, usually by way of Twitter or Facebook, we click, and the rest is history. They send me some samples, and if I like it, I post about it. And the best part - I get to build relationships with really awesome people who like what I'm doing and vice versa. So a huge thank you to all of the sponsors who've kept me buzzed over the past few months. Specifically, Bel-Air Bellini and Le Grande Courtage. Your contributions are priceless.

I'm well aware that I am probably a few levels away from a homeless person who hands out flyers on the street in exchange for a tallboy of Budweiser, but I'd like to think it goes a little bit deeper than that. Maybe? Either way, on nights like tonight, it's good to be loved.

Even though cash is low, my glass is definitely half full.


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