I'm having all sorts of problems with my Internet connection.
It keeps going off and on... and always just when I want to use me computer.
So Steve rang Telecom last night and after much discussion and tinkering, it was deemed the problem was my Modem. 
Apparently it's too old?
So... I've got to get a new one.  THAT better fix the problem, cos I'm so over my connection going off and on for hours at a time.
And more OFF than on I might add.

TODAY:  well Stew, Brylee, Griffin, Bex, Lacy and I are going over the the Bay of Plenty to visit Lynise (private blogger) to pick up baby stuff that her baby girl has outgrown, so Miss Muppet has clothes to wear!  
It's such a relief for Lacy after all her newborn gear was stolen some weeks back. 
We are looking forward to a lovely day out... it's been years since we visited the Bay of Plenty!

Not long to go now till I have my second blood test for Diabetes.  I'm 110% sure I will get a positive result.
I'm always thirsty.  I'm tired all the time.  I'm lethargic.  And most of all... I'm irritable! OH SO IRRITABLE! lol

In the back of my mind I think I've been just killing time until I get the definitive result before really, really trying to turn my eating/weight around.  Dumb I know, but it's just how my mind works.

So right now I'm waiting for the lab forms to arrive in the post so I can get the next test done and face the result.

Right... we are off on our little road trip, it's going to take about 2 hours to get there...


We couldn't have picked a more lovely day for  a day trip!
We arrived at Lynise's 5 minutes before they arrrived home from a trip to Tauranga... so Lynise's little dog went nuts at us!

But she was scared of us so we were safe... lol!
We had a really lovely lunch and natter... then gathered up the baby stuff she was kindly giving Lacy and left.  
We got home in time to cook dinner.

Our day in pictures:

 ABOVE:  a small herd of cows being moved along the road just up from our street!  They even had a bull whip!

ABOVE:  the gorgeous view from Lynise's lounge window.  

 ABOVE:  one of the most gorgeous wee baby girls ever!  Annalia is Lynise's 5 month old. 

ABOVE: kids playing outside after lunch... they had a ball.

 ABOVE: Lacy & Lynise

 ABOVE: Me and Lynise

ABOVE: Lynise and her man Jason

ABOVE:  all the treasure Lynise gave Lacy... clothes, change pad, steriliser and carseat.  

THANK YOU SO MUCH LYNISE!  You are a doll.

End of Day:  time to get dinner then relax for the rest of the evening.
nite nite.


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