SO... it's off to the Midwife again today... and it is now only 21 days until Miss Muppet is due! 
The months sure have gone fast is all I can say. Probably cos it's not ME who's pregnant eh?  lol

Lacy has coped so well with the discomfort of these last few weeks, we marvel at the changes we see in her!  She's just so DIFFERENT to how she used to be.
It's really nice to see her looking forward to Miss Muppet's arrival SO MUCH.

I took a few photos of the Karangahake Gorge yesterday, but most of them were crap... but I think these ones are semi OK:

ABOVE: it is a very pretty drive... and not as windy as I had dreaded.  Bex felt a bit carsick on the way home, luckily for her she didn't throw up though.

Right... I better pull finger and get on with the day... got lunches to make, kids to get out the door... then go pick up Lacy.


Midwife rang... no appointment today... she's delivering a baby instead!  That's fine, we will see her tomorrow instead.
Might still go over to Lacy's... I know her and Bex are craving DUNKIN DONUTS!!!

And OMG it's cold today!  I'm sitting in front of the fire and I'm still cold. 

Right.... Bex and I went over to Lacy's...we sorted out her 'baby bag' so she has everything ready for when she needs to go to the hospital.
Then we did the 'DUMMY RUN' to the hospital to see how long it took to get there, and WHERE to go at the hospital!
We had NO idea... but the big sign saying:

ABOVE:   "BIRTHING UNIT" was helpful.
So we parked me car and went in... into a big foyer... which DID NOT have clear and precise instructions on where to go to that freaking 'birthing unit'... so we had to ask a cleaner in the foyer.
Luckily after that it was clear sailing to the unit... where we ran into Lacy's Midwife Debs.... talk about funny!
So Debs took us into one of the birthing rooms to show us around.  Cool.
She was still waiting for her client to give birth and was taking a break... lucky for us eh?

After leaving the hospital we went to Sylvia Park for lunch.  We had planned on getting some warm singlets for Miss Muppet there, but they did not have quite the right ones at Baby Factory, so we hot footed it back to Manukau and got some at Farmers.
ON SALE too... score!

Then we dropped Lacy at her home and came home ourselves.  Time to take a half hour break before getting the kids... I will pick them up today most likely as it is totally PISSING DOWN... sideways even!  

DUNKIN DONUTS!!!  Would you believe after our lunch we just didn't feel like them?  True!  Another day for sure.

I was a good mother and drove down to school and picked up the kids... it was raining so badly I thought I better!

Spent the rest of the afternoon sitting on me butt reading blogs.  And keeping warm.  

End of Day:  in all... an OK day.  Made a nice sweet 'n' sour chicken casserole for dinner with nice veges on the side.  Went down well with everyone.
nite nite.


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