Today I finally get to do something for me!
I'm going to the hairdressers and getting me colours done again... I have the MOST AMAZING re-growth going on.

Ain't had me colours done since early December... there's always been some sort of reason why I haven't gotten around to it.

I might show ya the 'new do' when I get home.

ABOVE:  too cute.

In case anyone has noticed... I no longer have a Facebook Account.  You want to keep in touch, leave me a comment here!  Or ring me even!  Or write... do we remember how to do that???  lol

Steve has the day off work ... so I think he's going to visit Lacy today.... while I'm at the hairdressers.
Hmmm... I wonder if he'd get the hint if I left my vacuum cleaner out?

WE.  SHALL.  SEE....

Good luck to my niece Maxine ... she goes into hospital today for an operation.  I am going to pick her up after she is discharged so she can spend a week here recuperating before she goes home to her husband and kids.... well that is the plan so far as I know.


I was at the hairdressers for 3 and a half hours. With their front door open blasting me with freezing cold air.  I was freezing, and when they were 'finished' with me I left... with half wet hair... into the most awful wet and cold weather you can imagine.
But the colour is lovely, and I will post a photo once it's dry and I've given myself a few curls!

Totally stressed out and grumpy too... eating marshmallows by the handful... just can't stop!

SO FUCKEN ANGRY TODAY.  I am at fault for stirring family shit up. And I'm so angry at myself... but equally ANGRY at how people reacted yesterday.  In particular a man who had NO FUCKEN RIGHT to go where he went.  I would have been fine if he's kept his vile tirade focused on ME only, instead he had a go at several other family members on a public forum like Facebook... unforgivable. 

And I can say this HERE, because it is MY BLOG and no one tells me what to put on here. NO ONE.  And NO ONE can put filthy, defamatory comments here either.  Ya thank god for that. 

ABOVE:  there ya go... freshly coloured and Bex very kindly curled it for me... I love it like this.  NO smiles, not really in a smiley mood today.

ABOVE:  the back.  Not the best photo, took it via the mirror!  lol

Now, it's time to prepare dinner....


End of Day:  another so-so day for me... nice to get me hair done though... always a bit of a "pick me up" getting ya hair done.  *smiles*
ON TRACK:  I had marshmallows for dinner... so no.
nite nite.


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