As my vehicle does not have a Warrant of Fitness right this minute, I am staying home today.
The car park wardens down in Manurewa are like bloody Nazi's and will ticket me quick as wink... so I'm not taking the chance.
I can little afford the new tyres let alone a freakin' ticket as well.

How typical that I have spent all me money on a new rug... and BOOM... need cash for tyres!  Grrrrr.  
I can pick up me new rug next week.  I will enjoy it anyway!

As ya probably know, Steve and Bex had their 12 week scan yesterday... here is the best picture of their baby:

ABOVE:  this little baby was very, very active... so this is probably the best photo they got.  12 weeks and 2 days... Due 1/1/2013.  Steve objected to me and Bex referring to baby as 'The Rugrat'... so we await a new nickname that meets with his approval.  (he wanted to call baby 'FOE'.... yeah right!)

Now, as I'm not going to Hospice today... I'm gunna sew!  Yes indeedy I am... Yaaaaa.


ABOVE:  I'm sewing!  I really am.  And I've decided to work on UFO's today  (UnFinished Objects)....so first up is the placemats I SHOULD have finished months ago.

YEAH... now I remember why I hadn't finished the placemats!
Binding.. getting it on right, getting the joins right... OMG what A SHIT of a job!  I had to look up some tutorials cos I had forgotten how to do them!  AND I still find it complicated as. BUT I am determined to get them done.

Taking a break for lunch... then right back into it.

I have been sewing all day... and now I'm on to the hand sewing .... which will take until at least bedtime or even part of tomorrow.  My fingers are starting to hurt!

GOOD NEWS!  While I'm not a religious person AT ALL... I do believe 'someone' is watching over us... cos today out of the blue I came into a windfall and now have the money to buy the two tyres my car needs!  AND  I can pick up our new floor rug tomorrow too.
We are very lucky. *smiles*

End of Day:  well I've made great progress on my placemats, I think I will have finished them by bedtime!
I have really enjoyed today... I love sewing!  Weird but true. Sometimes I forget just how relaxing and rewarding it is.
nite nite.


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