So... today is gunna go something like this:

-   Take Lacy to see her midwife.
-   Buy some Dunkin Donuts.
-   Take Lacy home.
-   Steve and Bex leave for Hamilton for their 12 week scan.  ( I can't go)
-   Await visitors from Indonesia.  (Brother-in-law and his wife and their twins Vern & Dewi)
-   Stew due home mid afternoon to see said visitors.

And of course those plans could change if Lacy goes into labour!   But she probably won't!  I bet she's LATE.... that would drive her nuts... lol  !

So see!  It's gunna be another busy day!

WHEN OH WHEN am I ever gunna get time to sew?

ABOVE:  I knew there was a reason I loved rhinos!  lol

ABOVE:  I saw this on someone's Facebook the other day... I like it too.

Yesterday I said Lacy had 21 days until her due date.... well this little darling:

ABOVE:  Sienna, is going to be a BIG SISTER in exactly 30 days!!!  Our son Russell and his partner Tess are having their baby on July 19th.... and we have no idea what baby is!  VERY exciting!  Sienna will be 14 months old when her brother or sister is born.  


Another week down... all is well with Lacy & Miss Muppett.

After the midwife visit we took my car to the VTNZ for it's warrant of fitness check.  And BUGGER IT... we need two new tyres.  *sigh*  Just as well we have 3 weeks to get them cos it's going to cost over $600 for two tyres.

12 noon... and right now Steve and Bex are having their 12 week baby scan.  Waiting to hear how it went.

Our visitors arrived and we had a really lovely visit.  Their two kids were SO QUIET... until Brylee and Griffin arrived home. THEN it was a different story.  lol
I FORGOT to take photos, but will get a few when they are on their return journey for sure.

DINNER?  *sigh* no idea... better go look in the freezer I suppose...

HUGE APOLOGIES!  The scan went well... I will post a photo tomorrow of the baby.

End of Day:  we ended up having takeaways for dinner... I just could not be fagged cooking.
nite nite.


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