How to REALLY lose weight - The Final Part

Phew.. So we're here.. the final part of my Successful Slimmer's Weight Loss Journey.. Part 5. For Part 1 [click here], for Part 2 [click here], for Part 3 [click here], and for Part 4 [click here].
Temptations are just around the corner...

We've seen what the months of January, February, March, April, May and June entailed and I have to say that the hard parts are over with.. the lifestyle changes are setting in and healthy habits are replacing unhealthy ones.

The healthy option is now becoming the 'easy/default option'

Salad... a healthy side dish

So what's happening now? What is the plan for the next two months?

The final lifestyle adjustment is...

  • Self-monitoring.. daily or alternating between days.. remembering that "Complacency is just around the corner" ...

The key to weight loss, as we have seen, is consistency... this weight loss journey has taken place over 6 months.. with another 2 months of self-monitoring to ensure permanent lifestyle change (giving a total of 8 months). There are many ways to self monitor.. from food diaries to weekly weights. There are also many phone apps that can help you to monitor your calorie intake, you just have to work out the right one for you - my advice would be to look at reviews and ask friends if they recommend any in particular. I personally like carbs & cals.

Food diaries can reveal more than you think..
Weigh yourself no more than once a week..

This successful slimmer didn't see 'a diet', they saw a 'lifestyle change'.

Are you ready for change?

Nic x

My world is a diet-free zone world...


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