So... it's Stew's turn to sleep in, so I'm gunna just sit and blog for a while this morning... and keep the kids/dogs quiet.

Big ask, but I am sure it can be done! lol

If it wasn't so bloody cold I'd go into the garage and do some serious tidying up... and maybe do some sewing.  But shit it's cold in the garage!  And I'm a wimp, I hate being cold.

It's Steve's day off work ... so he's asleep too.  I think Bex is coming up sometime today... so that will be nice for Steve ... it's a bit of a shame they live in different cities.  Here's hoping at some point Steve can find a job in Hamilton before their baby is due!
That's the 'plan' as far as I know.

Right, enough yakkity yak... time to read blogs in front of the fire!


I've found something to do!  I took out this Super sized Heart Quilt Top... it's not been finished cos it has nagged at me.... I kept thinking it wasn't quite "right"...

ABOVE: what I don't like about it is the horizontal bands running through the widths.  They just don't look right to me... so I am going to unpick the entire thing and use the heart blocks for smaller baby quilts.  

We have enough babies coming after all.

Steve (son) went to Sylvia Park for some groceries and he took Brylee and Griffin with him... and they had fun:

ABOVE:  there was this big climbing tower and people could give it a go for $5... so both the kids had a go ...

ABOVE:  Brylee, being so light and agile did really well... Griffin found it more difficult.

ABOVE:  Brylee got to the top.  Griffin didn't, but they both had a good half and hour of fun.

I'm still plugging away at the unpicking...

ABOVE:  ABOUT 4 HOURS LATER... and the quilt top is deconstructed.  And I'm seeing double.  In fact everything is blurry!  Poor eyes... such a strain close work is!  
But, now I can start reconstructing these blocks into some baby quilts!  Yaaa.

AND ... WOMBAT:  I asked Stew today to put our portable gas heater down in the garage ( which he's now done)... so now it won't be quite so cold down there,  yaaa!  Thanks for the suggestion.  Don't know why I didn't think of it.  

End of Day:  well it's been another day where there's been some up's and down's... just wish my days were BORING.  Seriously.
nite nite.


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