I am constantly reminded of the kindness of the people I have met over the internet with blogging/facebook.  I mentioned Lacy needed a few things for her new home and BOOM.... several lovely ladies offered us what we needed.
It's just so bloody nice... Thanks to you girls (you know who you are) who have given us stuff, I can't tell how much my family appreciates it.

ABOVE:  lol... so if I can ever do anything for you... please ask... cos I'm sure chopping an arm off is a bit..... much!  

Stew and I (not sure about the others in da house) are off to the North Shore mid morning to pick up the last set of curtains for Lacy's house, then we are meeting up with Tracy from the Shore for lunch.  She's giving us a few items for Lacy, and a little fridge for Steve and Bex AND a steamer for me!  SCORE!
So a nice day ahead of me....


Stew, Bex and I went over to the North Shore and picked up the blue curtains for the dining room... and the lady who sold them to me also gave us a white bedside drawer for free!  She was so nice.  The drawer was just sitting in her garage and she offered it to us as we were leaving!  There are just so many bloody nice people in the world.

After that we went to Albany mall and meet Tracy at the foodcourt for lunch.  She was so nice, I didn't feel nervous meeting her at all, I usually do when meeting someone new.
PARTICULARLY when they know heaps about me via my blog and I know virtually nothing about them.  *smiles*

ABOVE:  Tracy bearing gifts!  She found quite a few bits 'n' bobs for Lacy... what a nice Chick!

She's giving us a little fridge a bit later on too... for Steve and Bex.

After lunch we went to Spotlight and I bought some small cushions,  and I will make cushion covers... for her dining chairs.  In Purple, her favourite colour.

NOW... we are all at home eating a Trumpet, then we are going over to Lacy's house to hang the latest curtains.  Yaaa.

The net curtains I put in Miss Muppet's room were too long, so after I had cut them down to fit her windows I was left with two small pieces of net, so I sewed them together, put some very lightweight purple/blue fabric on the bottom... which was just enough to do the dining room window:

 ABOVE:  I must admit some very colourful language ensued while trying to get it all level... but after two attempts and lots of swearing and sweating,  I got them done.  Stew hung the curtains (yaa, one set I didn't have to do myself) and there ya have it:

 ABOVE:  The dining room.  Very cute.  That is a blue velvet table cloth ($1 from the Hospice Shop) and a lovely yellow fruit bowl from Tracy today.  The rug is an old one of ours, she can have it.

ABOVE:  more treasure from Tracy today!  A really lovely photo frame with matching jewellery box and a really cute plant pot.  

The 'BIG' job is tomorrow.  The guys will collect all her furniture etc from storage and take it to the house.  I am going to sit back and watch.  I'm knackered from all the to'ing and fro'ing and curtain hanging. 

End of Day: so happy, everything is going so well with getting Lacy moved into her own house.  Can't wait for tomorrow.
ON TRACK:  I am!
nite nite.


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