Than do this:
ABOVE:  folding fitted sheets.  I'm sure someone told me how to do it easily... but I still can't do it!  I usually just roll them into an untidy ball and shove them in the cupboard.  But I really, really want to find out how to do them 'right'.

I spent a bit of time last night sorting out linen, and these BLOODY SHEETS just stared me in the face going 'na na nah nah' at me.  Grrrrr.  I will conquer it, I will!

So once I get home from Hospice Shop today I am going to sit down and hunt out a video on the 'net to show me how to do it.

As mentioned ( and you should know by now) I've got Hospice Shop duty today.
After that I will pop in and check on Lacy, then come home and relax before I have to make dinner.

I would also like to find the time to do a bit of sewing!  YEAH RIGHT.  *sigh*... there's just not enough hours in the day... and my batteries run out much quicker at the moment.  I just don't have much energy.  Let's blame weight.  
It's usually the best excuse for all ills... right?  (particularly when one is overweight)

In fact I've been feeling DREADFUL lately, my food choices have been atrocious, and I am paying the price.  My fault.  And only I can do anything about it.
But I'm in that cycle of "I just don't give a fuck"... but really ... I do deep down.  I hate myself... I really do.   I'm such a classic yo-yo dieter... such a failure.


ABOVE:  TA DAaaa... all me dining room linen etc in the one place.  There's a big drawer above which holds all the placemats.  

Really busy in the shop today.. it was awesome.
I also found treasure, some of which has already gone over to Lacy's home (a picture and some sheets), and my stuff:

ABOVE:  A gorgeous baby blanket, a cute t-shirt and a double valance (which I bought for the fabric).

ABOVE: oh and this to die for wee basket!  It's going to sit in a corner in me lounge and just look cute!  lol

HONEST TO GOD... I DON'T KNOW WEATHER I FEEL LIKE CRYING OR SCREAMING !!!!   I have watched fucking Martha Stewart folding fitted sheets, Jill Cooper, some bloke and several other videos... ALL DIFFERENT methods I might add... AND I STILL CAN'T DO IT. 
My neck hurts.  My arms hurt.  And I am about ready to attack these friggin sheets with a knife... AND KILL THEM.

EUREKA! ! !   I finally found a video where the demonstrator was facing away from the viewer... and it was so much easier to follow!

There ya have it.  I hope it helps someone else too.  Oh and I rather like the wee baby at the end too.. lol.

End of Day:  I've had a headache for over 3 hours now... and I'm crabby as hell.  Just been one of those afternoons.  Bloody sheets.  They got me all hot and bothered. 
I can't even stand the sound of the TV right now.... and add to that I'm cold... then hot... then cold... then hot.... *sigh*
I think I should just put this day to bed.
nite nite.


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