Frozen Fruits *Part 2*

I received a huge response on twitter and email about my 'frozen fruits' blog (and fat free banana ice cream!) and so thought I'd re-visit the whole frozen fruits thing with grapes!

'Classic' frozen grapes.. yum!

I'm a big fan of grapes.. not only because they're bursting with anti-oxidants, vitamins and minerals but because they are delicious and low in calories too - perfect for those trying to lose weight. I find the red grapes slightly tastier than the green however that's just personal preference!

A handful of grapes counts as a portion of fruit and because I can have a habit of eating a whole punnet of grapes at once, I found that a way to slow my self down was to freeze them first. If you haven't already tried them, frozen grapes are amazing - so juicy and crunchy. A perfect healthy snack!

Some may liken frozen grapes to 'boiled sweets' however there is something else (virtually calorie free) that you can do to them to make them even sweeter and more like sweets.. 'what is it?' .. I'll show you...

These, are frozen grapes coated in sugar-free jelly powder.. and they are seriously tasty! They are also super easy to make.. simply:

1) Wash your (seedless) grapes in water

2) Pop the wet grapes in a small bag and pour in a packet of sugar-free jelly powder (I chose orange flavour.. and I reckon lime flavour would go nicely with green grapes)

3) Shake to coat the grapes

4) Freeze in the bag for at-least a couple of hours

5) Munch away guilt free!!


And in-case you're wondering.. I wouldn't recommend popping grapes in your ice-cube tray.. although they looked interesting it just didn't really work!!

To see what fruit does work in ice-cubes [click here] !

Thanks for reading :) - feel free to comment below!

Nic x


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