Steve bought a new camera in readiness for when their baby arrives.... so he's been practising taking all sorts of photos.

His camera can do black & white photos which also HIGHLIGHTS certain colours.. it's quite an awesome feature!  

Now I want a camera like that too!  But it probably won't happen... got to pay off new beds first!

Anyway, here's a couple of photos he took last night:

ABOVE:  taken using the option of only showing the blue colour!  Amazing eh? 

I've got a fairly busy day today... this morning it's sewing/housework, then after lunch I pick Lacy up and take her to meet the 'alternative' midwife, in case her primary midwife (Debs),  is unavailable when she's ready to have Miss Muppet.

Then I take Lacy back to my home so she can babysit Brylee and Griffin while I go to Hamilton in time for an appointment at 6.30pm.
I shall be taking Bex back to Hamilton as well, as she has work tomorrow.


This morning I am making a 'back up' blog over at wordpress... so if my blog is deleted again you can still find me somewhere!
That blog address will be on my sidebar once it's finished importing everything from here.

ANON:  this is their camera.  It's very cute.  And small... it fits in Bex's handbag easily.

DSC-W630 is the model of camera.  

My trip to Hamilton went very well... got to see Amanda, Andrew, Huston, Joel and Emily... and also Kelly and Rena.  So it was a really nice visit.

The weather was atroucious, dark and very wet... two driving conditions I hate... so it was a bit nerve racking.. but I just took me time and got home just fine.

Time to chill for a little while.   

OH and I must say... I was tempted on many occasions to stop and buy some food... but I didn't!  I'm having veges soon!  Nice and healthy.

End of Day:  very happy with today.  Lots of stress in the background is now gone.  And I hope it stays away.
nite nite.


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