I'm doing a competition, as suggested by a few of you blogger friends.


1.  What day and time will she arrive ?
2.  What weight? (pounds and ounces)

Miss Muppet's "due date" is this Sunday.

I will give a prize to the person who guess's the CLOSEST to each question... so there will be two prizes.


Lacy has been in her own little house for a month.   It was empty for several months before she moved in.
Two nights ago she suddenly had a nasty problem.  Her toilet was malfunctioning, and flooding contents OUTSIDE her house... all over the ground and carport.  

So what did Housing New Zealand do?...

 ABOVE:  can ya see 'it'?  They sent out a plumber... then another bloke with a camera that goes down pipes... but they couldn't fix it straight away .... so...

ABOVE:  they gave her her very own Portaloo!  Like a 9 months pregnant woman ON HER OWN can use that at night?  Yeah right!  

I'm sure it's the best they can do until they can fix the pipes... but I've told her under NO circumstances is she to go outside at night to use it!
She will have to 'go' in a bucket at night.  No way do I want to be worrying about her having to go outside on her own at night in her neighbourhood!

Hopefully they can fix it fairly quickly cos using a portaloo is really ikky.  And I'm not too sure how sanitary it is for a woman in her condition!

SPARKLING AND TRACY:  Ummm, yep there was talk of me attending some one on one psychotherapy along with medication.  I see the Dr. again next Thursday to go over options.

TODAY?  Might just read some blogs and do some sewing.  
We have a cracker jack fog here again today... quite novel.

OH and while I remember it:  Christy my visits to the 'shrink Doctor' are FREE!  So that's awesome eh?  I can be her best customer but I don't have to pay a cent... lol
I'm thinking we do pay in a round about way... via our taxes?


*** SQUEALS ***  OF DELIGHT... Our new bed is arriving ON MONDAY!   OOOO so cool.  Now Miss Muppet, can you arrive on Saturday or Sunday... or wait till Tuesday PLEASE???   Whoop!

I've been doing a little sewing this morning/afternoon... and my right shoulder is KILLING ME!  Now I know what caused me shoulder to hurt/ache non stop last winter!  SEWING... now that just sucks.  *sniff*

ABOVE:  pretty in pink!  Sorry Mark, it's not one with sharks, machine guns or dune buggies!  
Now I have two quilt tops waiting to be sandwiched with batting and backing fabric then quilted.  
I'm loving how all the heart blocks I made last year and the year before are now being put to good use.

End of Day:  that pink quilt top is so bloody cute, I can't stop looking at it!  I will repeat the competition again tomorrow for any who missed entering today.  Most of you are guessing a low-ish weight! Lacy's tummy is small and compact ... but it's ALL BABY!  lol
nite nite.


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