Well this morning might be .... interesting!
As recommended by me Dr, I'm seeing another doctor today who specialises in people who suffer from Depression.  Cos she thinks it will help me.  
Am I depressed?  Yep, sometimes a hell of a lot. Sometimes, not very much.  Sometimes just a little.  But on a whole... I am most of the time to some degree.  *sigh*

It's easy to put a public face on and pretend all is wonderful... when in fact I am simply not happy.

Sure I have everything material anyone would want (within reason)... but there's more to happiness than material things.  

so... I will go and see this Dr... and see what she has to offer...?

Here's a couple of photos from yesterday:

ABOVE:  I like this version of XBOX... the kids have to MOVE to play it... so there are NOT just sitting on their bums moving there fingers and thumbs!   Emily even tried to have a go... but of course she's too small ...

ABOVE: so she played with her Grandma's bling! She is a real girl, loves the bling!  So cute.

Right... seen the Dr.  Her conclusion?  I'm chronically depressed!  And I have to see her again at some point... probably next week, when she will prescribe some stronger antidepressants.  OH Yaaaa.  I've got a screw loose.  
I had to cut my appointment short as Lacy had to see her Midwife.  All is well there.
Miss Muppet is NOT ready yet.  Due in 2 days!  
Getting excited.  Can't wait to meet her and smother her in Grandma's love.

I made us lovely scones for lunch... went down a treat!

We had a very heavy fog today... it stopped all domestic flights into Auckland and Hamilton. AND it has JUST lifted, at 1pm in the afternoon!  First time that has happened this year.

Once I'd taken Lacy home I came home and had a 'nana nap'... cos I could.  
Just got a nice beef/tomatoe/mushroom stew on for dinner, so I can get a bit of sewing done now. 

Dinner was lovely... went down a treat with the family.
After dinner Steve and I went to Sylvia Park... he wanted to get an XBOX game and I wanted to pick up some little oven baking dishes from Steven's.  

End of Day: was 'interesting'.... if nothing else.
nite nite.


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