First up today, some more photos taken of our newest family member, Miss Keera:

ABOVE:  Granddad with Miss Muppet aka Keera.

ABOVE:  Three siblings and Stew.

ABOVE: Griffin kissing his baby sister for the first time ever.

ABOVE:  Brylee kissing her baby sister for the first time ever.

ABOVE:  yeah, yeah... I know I look shattered! No makeup even!  Baby is bloody cute though... lol.

ABOVE AND BELOW:  more of me and the first baby I have ever delivered... Miss Muppet (Keera)

TODAY:  no doubt get some housework done then visit Lacy after lunch.  Hopefully she's had a decent sleep by now!

Oh just remembered!  I've got a Dr's appointment this morning too!  Yikes!  Probably be prescribed some 'proper' antidepressants today.  Hopefully no more massive mood issues.

Something else I remembered from yesterday's birth.... Once Keera was born, she was wrapped up in warm towels... and it wasn't until about 10 minutes after her birth that Deb the midwife said "Did anyone check that she is actually a GIRL?"
OMG we had not even looked to be 100% certain.  Apparently scans can sometimes be WRONG on gender!
So we quickly unwrapped her to see... and yep, she was the wee girl we had been expecting!  But it was so funny... we all laughed about none of us checking right away.  *smiles*


WOW!!!  I just checked my stat counter... and for the first time ever my page views were over 1 thousand in one day!!!   I got 1,001 page views yesterday!!!  lol
Clearly the arrival of Miss Muppet was very interesting!!! Gotta love it.

And now... hell's bell's... I better get me face on ... gotta be at the Dr's in and hour...

ANON from yesterday:  Lacy is not breastfeeding due to PERSONAL CHOICE... not for any MEDICAL reason.  

Today is going so well!  I'm very happy to say my appointment with the depression Doctor went rather well... and she hasn't given me medication as I think she feels I'm not a danger to myself!  lol

We were to 'visit' Lacy at 2pm... but instead she was discharged into my care!
Debs the midwife said she will be fine here with us... and she will visit Lacy and Miss Muppet tomorrow.

ABOVE:  Lacy and Keera visiting us.... they will go to their home in about a week.

ABOVE:  Coco has gone into 'Protect Mode'!  She's super inquisitive and very excited by this new baby in the house.... it's so sweet.

I commented yesterday afternoon that I thought  Miss Muppet was looking slightly jaundiced.... and today the midwife confirmed it.  So we need to keep a careful eye on her to make sure she doesn't get too yellow... cos if she does she will need treatment.  But I'm not worried cos that is easily fixed.

For now, I've got her near natural light, but not in sunlight directly.

Tess our daughter in law is still hanging in there... here's hoping she makes it until her scheduled c-section date ... the 19th of July.

End of Day: another day dominated by the smallest member of our family!  But it's all good stuff... so happy she's finally here and perfectly healthy.
nite nite


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